Paris — "For its 70th anniversary, the Chinese regime disguises as a champion of human rights," the Paris-based Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said, criticising the totalitarian regime in China for ignoring the dire situation of press freedom for which China ranks 77 out of 180 countries in its 2019 worldwide index of press freedom, only two places ahead of North Korea.

New York — US President Donald Trump presented a strong denunciation of socialism and communism in his address to the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday, as he called for an end to religious persecutions across the world. President Trump strongly criticised the socialist order and the communist regimes, saying "socialism and communism are not about justice and equality."

Geneva — Hundreds of Tibetans living in Europe held a protest outside the United Nations office in Geneva against the communist-totalitarian regime in China for continued human rights violations in Tibet and other occupied regions. The 42nd session of (UNHRC) United Nations Human Rights Council is underway in the Switzerland city, Geneva.

Washington DC — The Chinese communist-authoritarian government's oppressions in occupied Tibet goes back decades, thousands of Buddhist monks and nuns have been evicted from their residences in just the past year alone, said David Stilwell, the U.S. State Department’s top official for East Asia who recently testified before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on Tibet, Eastern Turkistan and Hong Kong.

Washington DC — The Washington-based advocacy group "International Campaign for Tibet" (ICT) has welcomed the new Tibet bill which has been introduced in the US Congress, if passed will require Chinese officials who attempt to interfere in the reincarnation system of Tibet to be subjected to targeted sanctions.

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