Dharamshala — Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) observed the Human Rights Day in Dharamshala and Sikyong of CTA said, "As part of its broader Sinicisation policy, the term Tibet is being replaced with “Xizang” in pinyin in the white paper. Moreover, the names of places between cities such as Lhasa to villages are being changed from Tibetan to Chinese. The sole objective of the PRC in replacing Tibet with the term “Xizang” is to wipe out Tibet from the world map and subsequently hope that Tibet will fade away from the memories of people in the world to assert its unfounded legitimacy."

Dharamshala — A new report on the situation of Tibetan refugees in Nepal, released ahead of Human Rights Day, reveals that Tibetans living in Nepal are facing hardship as China pressures the Nepal to restrict freedom of movement and religion for Tibetans. "They won't let us live or leave. This is among the worst situations for a person to live in!" said a Tibetan NGO worker in Kathmandu.

New Delhi — The Tashi Lhunpo Monastery in coordination with the India Tibet Coordination Office in New Delhi, launched the “Panchen Lama Awareness Initiative” at the Constitution Club of India in New Delhi on Tuesday. Tibetans and Indian Tibet supporters urged Indian government to put pressure on the Chinese government to release 11th Panchen Lama of Tibet and raise concern about the dire human rights situation in Tibet with China.

Dharamshala — Monlam Tibetan IT Research Centre launched its first ever Tibetan AI tools: the Machine Translation Model, Optical Character Recognition Model, Speech-to-Text Model and Text-to-Speech Model on Friday in Dharamshala and Director Geshe Lobsang Monlam said that we have to catch up with modern development in terms of Artificial intelligence (AI) in Tibetan language and these tools made people's work easier and helped them to complete tasks in a short space of time.

Tashi Jong —His Holiness the Dalai Lama inaugurated Khamgar Druk Dharmakara College in Tashi Jong Village on Wednesday and he said," Today, the Tibetan Buddhist Tradition, which has been restricted by communist Chinese forces in Tibet, is flourishing because of the strong faith of the Tibetan people. There is growing interest in our knowledge and traditions among Buddhists in China as well as scholars and scientists in other parts of the world. Scientists in particular are interested in what we have to say about the workings of the mind and emotions and the nature of reality."

Dharamshala, India — The 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile convened its 6th session on September 19, 2023, with a bill on official solidarity on urgent situation inside Tibet. The Speaker of Parliament urged everyone to raise the issue of Tibet on the international stage, as Tibetans inside Tibet are living in almost hellish conditions.

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