Tibetan activists urge G20 leaders to address Sino-Tibetan issue at G20 summit

Tibetan activists from Tibetan Youth Congress urged G20 leaders to talk on Tibet, September 8, 2023. Photo:TYC

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New Delhi — Tibetan activists from the Tibetan Youth Congress in Delhi protested against the Chinese government for human rights violations in Tibet and also urged the Prime Minister of India and the world leaders of the G20 to address the Sino-Tibetan issue at the 18th G20 summit to be held in New Delhi on September 9 and 10, 2023.

Tibetan activists from the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC) and Tibetans from the Samyeling Tibetan Colony, North Delhi, protested against the Chinese government for the illegal occupation of Tibet in the 1950s, killing more than two million Tibetans and destroying more than 6,000 Tibetan monasteries. Even today, the Chinese authorities in Tibet impose oppressive policies on Tibetans and deny them all human rights, violating Tibetans' fundamental freedoms and human rights, separating children from their parents, separating Tibetans from their spiritual leader, arresting, kidnapping, beating, and sentencing Tibetans to years in prison for the mere exercise of freedom of expression.

The protesters chanted slogans such as: "Stop the killing in Tibet, stop the Genocide in Tibet, release the 11th Panchen Lama of Tibet, Tibet's independence, India's security, the G20 leaders talk about Tibet".

Tibetan activists also urge G20 leaders to discuss the Sino-Tibetan issue and to address human rights violations in Tibet by the Chinese authorities at the G20 summit in New Delhi, India.

Tibetan Youth Congress issued a statement on September 8, 2023, to protest against the Chinese government and to urge G20 leaders to address the Sino-Tibetan issue at the G20 summit in New Delhi.

The statement of TYC stated, “The Tibetan Youth Congress warmly commends India for hosting the G20 Meeting in New Delhi and wishes for its unequivocal success. We are steadfast in our hope that India will champion the principles of freedom, justice, equality, and peace on the global stage. We assure all participants and stakeholders that the Tibetan Youth Congress is committed to peace and has no intention of causing disturbances during this prestigious event.”

The Tibetan activists said, “The Chinese government's forcible occupation of Tibet has cast a long shadow, compelling His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, and innumerable Tibetans into exile. The repercussions of this occupation are felt beyond our borders. China's recent territorial assertions in the 2023 map and its expansionist ambitions raise concerns for all neighbouring countries.”

“The 1951 'Seventeen-Point Agreement on Measures for the Peaceful Liberation of Tibet' signed under duress, is a testament to China's questionable diplomatic practices. Despite Tibet's genuine efforts to abide by this agreement, China consistently defaulted on its commitments, leading to tragic repercussions for the Tibetan people. We strongly urge global leaders to engage with China with a judicious mix of caution and discernment,” the statement explained.

“The degradation of Tibet into one of the world's least-free regions, compared to countries like South Sudan and Syria in Freedom House's metrics, is a grave concern. China's policies, which have led to the separation of countless Tibetan children from their homes and the systematic erasure of our culture and heritage, carry lasting ramifications. Equally alarming is China's widespread surveillance and mass collection of Tibetan DNA samples, which is seen as a threat to individual privacy and Tibetan identity,” the they added.

“The TYC implores G20 leaders to recognize and prioritize the Sino-Tibet issue in global discussions. This isn't just a regional issue; the ecological significance of Tibet and its vital freshwater resources affect nearly 2 billion lives. China's exploitation of Tibet's ecosystem and resources is a potential ecological catastrophe for downstream nations,” the Tibetan activists declared.

“Furthermore, the security of India and Tibet's independence are intertwined. Historically, an independent Tibet acted as a buffer, ensuring India's security. China's aggressive territorial claims now pose significant security threats to India,” the statement explained.

The Tibetan activists urge the Prime Minister of India and world leaders to prioritize the Sino-Tibet issue during the G20 summit, and demand China address human rights abuses in Tibet and end practices that erode our cultural identity. They also seek global solidarity in resolving the Sino-Tibet conflict and encourage unity in addressing the profound challenges facing Tibet and its people.