People of China's occupied countries protested against China on its 74th founding day

Tibetan activists representing Tibet, East Turkestan, Hong Kong, Southern Mongolia and Taiwan by showing their hands chained by Chinese President Xi Jinping, on Octorber 1, 2023. Photo: TPI

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Dharamshala — The People and activists of the Chinese-occupied countries (Tibet, East Turkestan, Hong Kong, Southern Mongolia) from all over the world, protested against China on the 74th anniversary of its founding day, for its the illegal occupations and human rights violations committed by China in their countries.

The 74th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) also represents its occupation of nations such as Tibet, East Turkestan, Hong Kong, Southern Mongolia and Taiwan. This is why NGOs and activists have made this day the Global Day of Action to denounce the serious human rights violations committed by the PRC in these occupied territories and to create a solidarity movement for freedom and substantial reforms in the occupied territories.

The Tibetan Youth Congress, Students for a Free Tibet, National Democratic Party of Tibet and their activists organised a protest against the Chinese Communist Party in Dharamshala, India, on October 1, 2023, as part of the Global Day of Action against China on the 74th anniversary of its founding day.

Tibetan activists representing Tibet, East Turkestan, Hong Kong, Southern Mongolia and Taiwan presented the Chinese occupation of these countries by showing their hands chained by Chinese President Xi Jinping and a panel 74 painted red to represent the bloodshed that took place during 74 years of Chinese domination.

The statement issued by Tibetan activists highlights the colonial and imperial policies of the Chinese authorities in the regions, which is also evident when occupied Tibet is ranked as one of the least free regions in the world. The Chinese authorities have developed new intrusive policies to better control minorities, such as the forced collection of DNA from Tibetans to strengthen the state's surveillance capabilities.

"Under the dictatorship of Xi Jinping, we have borne witness to egregious offenses, including the existence of Uyghur Concentration Camps, the erosion of Hong Kong's autonomy, the establishment of colonial-style boarding school systems, and the compulsory collection of DNA in Tibet. Furthermore, there has been blatant political aggression and intimidation against Taiwan, accompanied by a multitude of infringements on religious, cultural, and political freedoms," the activists said.

"China's policy of Sinicization has resulted in a relentless assault on Tibetan national identity, particularly its language, religion, and culture. By forcibly detaching Tibetan children from their families and heritage and placing them in state-run boarding schools, Chinese authorities employ one of the most abhorrent tools of colonization to undermine Tibetan identity," the statement mentioned.

"Disturbingly, it has come to light that Xi Jinping has initiated a campaign to erase Tibetan names from cities, towns, and regions, with the intent of expunging these identities from global awareness and usage. Just two months ago, the Chinese Communist Party (CC) formally proscribed the use of the term 'Tibet,' replacing it with the Chinese name 'Xizang," the statement concluded.

When TPI asked Tashi Dhondup, President of the National Democratic Party of Tibet, about the protest and how a layperson can 'act' as part of the Global Day of Action, he replied that the Tibetan movement is dedicated to non-violent action and therefore these non-violent protests are organised to raise awareness of the issue so that people can unite in solidarity with our cause and to send a message to the Chinese government that these occupied countries and their people will not remain silent. And as individuals, the least we can do is share this with your friends and make it one of the topics of discussion over chai or coffee.

Asked what message he would like to send to the China, he replied that it would be better if they left all the occupied countries to their own people, which would also help the Chinese people and government.

He concluded by saying that the international community is biased towards China by accepting the One China policy, even India has accepted it and now China is using it as a tool to claim Ladakh and Arunachal. He therefore urges the world to reconsider its position on the One China policy.