China replacing Tibet with "Xizang" is aim to wipe out Tibet from the world map: Sikyong

Sikyong Penpa Tsering read out the statement of the Kashag (Cabinet) on the human rights day on December 10, 2023. (Photo: TPI)

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Dharamshala — Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) observed the Human Rights Day in Dharamshala and Sikyong of CTA said, "As part of its broader Sinicisation policy, the term Tibet is being replaced with “Xizang” in pinyin in the white paper. Moreover, the names of places between cities such as Lhasa to villages are being changed from Tibetan to Chinese. The sole objective of the PRC in replacing Tibet with the term “Xizang” is to wipe out Tibet from the world map and subsequently hope that Tibet will fade away from the memories of people in the world to assert its unfounded legitimacy."

The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) organised a celebration to commemorate the 34th Anniversary of the conferment of the Nobel Peace Prize on His Holiness the Great 14th Dalai Lama, as well as observed the 75th Human Rights Day in the courtyard of the Tibetan Main Temple (Tsuglakhang) in Dharamshala, HP, India, on December 10, 2023. Tibetans around the world, including in France and Japan, protested against the Chinese Communist Party's human rights violations against Tibetans living inside Tibet and against the denial of human rights to Tibetans. They also called for respect for the human rights of their people on Human Rights Day.

Sikyong Penpa Tsering read out the statement of the Kashag (Cabinet) on the human rights day, "Last month, the People’s Republic of China’s government released its white paper titled “CPC Policies on the Governance of Xizang in the New Era: Approach and Achievements”. It claims that “the social and economic progress of Xizang epitomizes the nation’s outstanding achievements in development, created on the roof of the world through the Chinese path to modernization”.

"The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is now vigorously carrying out the extermination of the Tibetan identity in the name of “forging a strong sense of the Chinese national as one single community, promotion of the Chinese language, Sinicization of Tibetan Buddhism and developing socialist values”. Such infliction of suffering and oppression on the Tibetan people by the CCP authorities is unparalleled and unprecedented.

"The white paper talks only about the “Tibet Autonomous Region” “(TAR)” and nothing about the situation in the Tibetan areas incorporated into the Chinese provinces. However, the policy of exterminating the Tibetan race is being enforced all across Tibet. The ploy applied in the name of inter-ethnic exchanges, communication and integration, is firmly to Sinicise Tibetans extensively in every section of the community, including rural and pastoral communities, schools and monasteries.

"The white paper talks only about the “Tibet Autonomous Region” “(TAR)” and nothing about the situation in the Tibetan areas incorporated into the Chinese provinces. However, the policy of exterminating the Tibetan race is being enforced all across Tibet. The ploy applied in the name of inter-ethnic exchanges, communication and integration, is firmly to Sinicise Tibetans extensively in every section of the community, including rural and pastoral communities, schools and monasteries.

"The white paper says that “the reincarnated Tibetan living Buddhas, including Dalai Lamas and Panchen Rinpoches must be looked for within the country, decided through the practice of lot-drawing from the golden urn, and receive approval from the central government”. The official propaganda by the PRC is nothing but the absurdity of the Chinese leaders under the delusion of political paranoia. It is also a brazen rejection of the Buddhist doctrine of reincarnation, trampling of objectives of Trulku reincarnating to serve the Dharma, and ignorance of the present state of Tibetan Buddhism flourishing worldwide.

"As part of its broader Sinicisation policy, the term Tibet is being replaced with “Xizang” in pinyin in the white paper. Moreover, the names of places between cities such as Lhasa to villages are being changed from Tibetan to Chinese. The sole objective of the PRC in replacing Tibet with the term “Xizang” is to wipe out Tibet from the world map and subsequently hope that Tibet will fade away from the memories of people in the world to assert its unfounded legitimacy.

"China’s Tibet policies are aimed at obliterating the nearly 1,400 years rich Tibetan language; Sinicise Tibetan Buddhism founded on Buddha’s teaching on equality without discrimination based on caste, power and territory; eradicating Tibetan culture ingrained with compassion and non-violence; and assimilating the distinct Tibetan race into the majority Han. Such miscalculated strategies and misguided policies are untenable and bound to fail.

"We call upon the Chinese Communist Party to immediately end its blatant violation of the Law on Regional National Autonomy guaranteed in the Chinese Constitution and cease policies and programs aimed at extermination of the Tibetan identity. If the Chinese government does not put an end to these policies, it will cause irreparable wounds in the hearts and minds of the Tibetan people that will impact the harmonious relationship between the Tibetan and Chinese peoples as neighbours since ancient times. Being a signatory to the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide adopted by the United Nations 75 years ago on 9 October 1948, the CCP should be held accountable for violating the terms of this international law."

Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel read out the statement of Tibetan Parliament-in-exile on human rights day, "Today is also observed as the World Human Rights Day. Sadly, to the people inside Tibet, even the most fundamental of human rights exist only in absolute denial. What is more, far from making any move to relax the hard-line policy it has continued to pursue so far, the government of China keeps adhering to its routine, single-minded practice of distorting the truth and lying about the real situation in its relentless efforts to delude people inside the country as well as governments and peoples across the world.

"On the 10th of November this year, the State Council Information Office of the government of China publicized in Tibetan and English languages a white paper titled “CPC Policies on the Governance of Xizang in the New Era: Approach and Achievements.” Since 1992, the government of China has already released a total of 16 white papers on Tibet alone. The essence of the contents of these so-called white papers is to try to establish as existent what does not exist in Tibet and that which is not true as true about the situation there. Even more than that, to whitewash the hidden reality of its policies and so forth in Tibet has been the sole objective behind the issuance of those white papers.

"The content of the latest white paper on Tibet is seen to be filled mainly with nothing but brazen lies about the achievements of the government of China since its takeover of the country. It is obvious that the survival or extinction of the Tibetan people rests on the lifeblood of their culture and religion.

"The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile wishes to again remind the government of China that the discovery and recognition of the reincarnation of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama should be based on respect for the wishes of the Tibetan people, on whatever decision His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama himself may make, and the decision of the concerned officers of the Dalai Lama’s Gaden Phodrang Trust. No country or group has any power whatsoever to interfere in it. In particular, no recognition or acceptance should be given to a candidate chosen for political ends by anyone, including those in the People’s Republic of China."