Taipei — Tibetan activists and Tibet supporters in Taiwan organised the “2023 Cycling for a Free Tibet” on February 8, and they said, “China’s oppression of Tibet has not ceased over the years, but has continued to repress Tibetans in new ways. Tibetan children are forced to go to concentration camp-like boarding schools to receive a Chinese education; DNA is taken from Tibetans to increase surveillance of Tibetans.”

Dharamshala – His Holiness the Dalai Lama met 120 recently graduated Indian students and members of the M3M Foundation in the courtyard of the Tsuglagkhang, the main Tibetan temple, in Dharamshala, and told them, "If we think in terms of the oneness of humanity, we can dispense with weapons and solve any differences between us through dialogue and discussion. I hope that in my lifetime we can create a genuinely peaceful world free of weapons and violent conflict."

Dharamshala – On the occasion of Losar, the Tibetan New Year, world leaders, including Government leaders, Chief Ministers and Parliamentarians, from many countries, extended greetings and joined the Tibetan people in celebrating the Tibetan New Year, showing their support for the preservation of the endangered culture, religion, language and identity of Tibetans.

Washington – Antony Blinken, Secretary of US Department of State extends his best wishes for Losar, the Tibetan New Year of 2150, saying, " I extend my warmest wishes to all those celebrating Losar, the Tibetan New Year. The United States reaffirms our commitment to supporting the preservation of Tibetans’ distinct cultural, linguistic, and religious heritage, including through the ability to select and venerate their religious leaders without interference."

Madrid – A new Inter-Parliamentary Group for Tibet, composed of 29 senators, was officially launched in the Spanish Senate. The main objectives of the group are to promote greater international recognition of the Tibetan issue, in particular to improve respect for human rights in Tibet and to draw attention to the unresolved issue of Tibet.

Brussels – At the 38th round of the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue in Brussels, the EU urged China to investigate and stop violations of human rights and international law, expressing its concern about cases of illegal detention, enforced disappearance, torture and ill-treatment. The EU also called on China to immediately release Tibetan political prisoners, including Go Sherab Gyatso, Rinchen Tsultrim and Tashi Dorje.

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