Geneva – The Senate of the Czech Republic adopted a resolution concerning Chinese colonial boarding schools for Tibetan children, the forced assimilation of Tibetan children in these schools and the Chinese government's interference in the religious freedoms of Tibetans. They call on the Chinese government to put an end to boarding schools for Tibetan children.

Dharamshala – His Holiness the Dalai Lama has written to Edgars Rinkevics to congratulate him on his election as the President of Latvia. His Holiness said," Given the history of Latvia and its neighbours, Estonia and Lithuania, people in these countries are well-placed to show to the world the value of non-violence, freedom and democracy. May I wish you every success in fulfilling the wishes and aspirations of the people of Latvia."

Dharamshala – His Holiness the Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of Tibet, congratulates Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on his re-election as President of Turkey. His Holiness said, “These are very challenging times. It is my hope that Turkey will continue to prosper and make a significant contribution to the peace and stability of our increasingly inter-connected world."

Boston – Tibetan activists protested against Thermo Fisher at its annual shareholders' meeting and staged political theater outside the company's headquarters to protest its sale of kits to China that steal Tibetan DNA. They also organised a mobile billboard that was seen by tens of thousands of people in Boston, USA, and also held a rally outside the company's offices in Cambridge, England.

Geneva – "The Parliamentary Group for Tibet is concerned about the involvement of Thermo Fisher Inc. in the mass collection of DNA samples from the Tibetan people and demands clarification about the company's activities in Tibet," says an open letter of the Swiss Parliamentary Group for Tibet, which was sent to the CEO of Thermo Fisher Scientific in the USA, asking him to clarify Thermo Fisher's activities in Tibet.

Dharamshala – His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the Nobel Laureate, welcomes the recent declaration of the G7 leaders' summit in Hiroshima, Japan, calling for a "world without nuclear weapons". His Holiness said, "As an avowed campaigner for demilitarization throughout the world and the elimination of all nuclear weapons, I firmly believe this to be a positive initiative.

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