Brussels – On the occasion of the 34th birthday of the 11th Panchen Lama, Gedhun Choekyi Nyima, 30 Spanish senators call on the Chinese government to allow the Panchen Lama to exercise his fundamental freedom in accordance with the PRC's international commitments and call for the immediate release of the Panchen Lama, his family and all other Tibetan political prisoners.

New Delhi – His Holiness the Dalai Lama addresses the Global Buddhist Summit 2023 in New Delhi on Friday and he said, “Many of the problems we face are to do with how we view reality. We tend to accept that things exist in the way they appear. We project a sense of reality onto what appears before us. The Buddha’s teaching of emptiness helps us see that what we perceive does not reflect reality. Then we can overcome our feelings of attachment and craving. And when we do that, the mind becomes pure."

Geneva – At a recent meeting, the Federal Government of Germany expressed concern about the "increasingly deteriorating human rights situation" in Tibet and called on China to close "forced boarding schools for Tibetan children", supporting the UN Social Committee's call for an end to compulsory boarding schools for Tibetan children and the forced settlement of Tibetan nomads.

Dharamshala – The four-member delegation of the Australian All Parliamentary Group for Tibet, held a press conference on Wednesday, and Senator Janet Rice said, "The meetings with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan ministers and parliamentarians have been very inspiring and give me a sense that, when we return to Australia, we will continue to work tirelessly to try to seek justice for the Tibetan people".

Dharamshala – Raising serious concerns about the ever deteriorating human rights situation in Chinese occupied Tibet, experts from different parts of the world appealed to the G7 world leaders, who are going to meet at Hiroshima on 19-21 May, to ask Chinese President Xi Jinping to stop his ongoing project of colonial boarding schools in Tibet. Deliberating on the subject “China’s Colonial Practices and Threat to the Cultural Identity of Tibet” in an international webinar discussed in detail various human rights issues raised recently by the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR).

Washington, D.C – Congressional-Executive Commission on China held a hearing on “Preserving Tibet: combating cultural erasure, forced assimilation and transnational repression” and witness Richard Gere said, ‘Repression has been most severe in Tibet and East Turkestan, where CCP policies have included the separation of families, the prohibition of language, the destruction of religious sites and institutions, the collection of DNA.’

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