Geneva – More than 16 countries, including European Union, Australia, UK,Japan and USA, raised China's human rights abuses in Tibet at the 52nd session of the UNHRC, and highlighted "Compulsory Boarding Schools in Tibet" and "DNA collection from Tibetans without consent", "genocide and crimes against humanity by China". US urged the HRC to "maintain focus" on China's atrocities in Tibet and other areas, and also asked the High Commissioner to "address" them.

Guatemala – Tibetan activist Chime Lhamo spoke about Tibet at the College Freedom Forum 2023, on Tibetan National Uprising Day. She told the audience that the Chinese government has realised that violence, re-education camps and torture of our political prisoners have no effect on us, because Tibetans continue to rise up and if we are united, we will never be defeated.

Dharamshala — Tesco has announced that it will remove all Hikvision security cameras from its 2,831 retail stores in the United Kingdom. The decision follows a campaign by Free Tibet, Big Brother Watch, Hong Kong Watch and Stop Uyghur Genocide, which raised the issue of the involvement of Chinese companies using security cameras in human rights abuses against Tibetans, Hong Kongers and Uyghurs.

Dharamshala – Tibet experts from a cross section of countries see signs of hope for the colonised people of Tibet and other countries, occupied by China, in the ever increasing nationalist rhetoric by the Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) who are now struggling to keep their hold overChina’s ruling system.

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