Dharamshala: The Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) received the news that, Kalsang Tsultrim, pen name Gyitsang Takmig from Kanlho "Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture" (‘TAP'), Gansu Province, who has been arrested on 27 July 2010 on the ground of committing Political Error, has been released on 15 October 2010.

He composed and distributed VCDs on the history of Tibet and the lack of freedom in Tibet. The VCDs has been widely distributed in many Tibetan areas in Gansu, Qinghai and Sichuan Province.

In September around 40 friends and family members went to ask about his whereabouts to the local officials, to which they were told to go back and that they would ask the leaders and inform them. He has been taken to different prisons since his arrest and was released from Kanlho Prefecture prison.

On 15 October 2010, Kalsang Tsultrim was released on the condition that he would not participate in any politics related work.

Dharamshala: Tagyal, who uses the pen name ‘Shogdung' has been released on bail pending trial by the Chinese government. The Tibetan writer was arrested on April 23rd 2010 from his workplace at Qinghai Nationalities Publishing House in Xining. He was charged of "instigating to split the motherland" and jailed for almost six months before being allowed bail Friday (October 14th).

Tagyal's lawyer, Li Fanping informed the media of the bailout, saying "he (Tagyal) is in good health and with his family now." Meanwhile, Jampal Monlam of the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy said the "bail pending trial" does not give him immunity to future arrest. Jampal told the Voice of Tibet radio that the longest period that "bail pending trial" can last is a year.

Dharamshala: Over 10,000 people took part in a yoga session, yesterday morning(14th October), led by world renowned guru Swami Ramdev. The two hour long event took place near the Himachal Pradesh Cricket Stadium in Dharamshala and was attended by the Tibetan prime miniser Prof Samdhong Rinpoche. In Prime Minister's brief speech to the crowd at the conclusion of the event he said that "Swami Ramdev has made a great realization of the effectiveness of Yoga such as Pranayama in the interest of the humanity and peace in this world."

Later in the day, Swami Ramdev addressed a gathering of Tibetans at the main Buddhist temple. In which Ramdev praised the universal values His Holiness upheld calling him "a symbol for the whole world."

His Holiness was not present at the event as he is currently visiting the USA. More photos please visit our gallery....

Moraga, USA: Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama met with Marcella Adamski, founder of the Tibet Oral History Project, Thursday morning (14th October) , in recognition of the organization's efforts over the past seven years. Adamski presented a brief overview of the Projects' work, which documents the life stories of exiled Tibetan elders. She presented His Holiness with some of the videotaped interviews on DVDs and photographs of all the elders whose oral histories have been recorded.

His Holiness looked with interest at the elders' photos, exclaiming them "Very good". Tashi Wangdue, former Secretary of the Office of His Holiness who attended the meeting with Adamski, noted "His Holiness was very pleased to learn that someone was fulfilling his wish to document and preserve the stories of Tibet's oldest people."

Califonia: Tibet's spiritual leader His Holiness gave a humorous question and answer session yesterday, to a large crowd of middle and high school students from East Palo Alto. He addressed the audience of over 400 students in the K-8 Costano School auditorium answering questions posed by 11 teenagers who had won the privilege by coming top in an essay contest.

He was asked a question by one young student as to what he would do if he was President of the United States, laughing hard he replied simply it's a "rather silly question." Adding, "Within a few weeks, the economy would face bankruptcy."

Students from the schools had been studying His Holiness and Tibetan history prior to his arrival, so that "they were able to appreciate his visit much more" said Katie Shields, history teacher in the local area.

When His Holiness was posed the question by 13 year old, Tatyana Spears "With all that is going on in the world, what advice would you give to young people?" the Dalai Lama replied "good question" continuing "My generation belongs to the 20th century," he told the children. "You belong to the 21st century.

"My generation is ready to say goodbye. You have the responsibility of a better future on your shoulders." He challenged them to choose between a more peaceful, compassionate future or one of destruction, he concluded saying."It's entirely up to you."

The event was one of several public and private appearances by the Dalai Lama across the Bay Area this week, including a conference at Stanford University.

Dharamshala: Chinese-Tibetan Friendship Associations, based in Australia Satuarday (9th October) day praised the Tibetan people and His Holiness for their outspoken approval of Liu Xiaobo's recent awarding of the Nobel Peace Prize.

"On behalf of the China-Tibet Friendship Association and Federation for a Democratic China in Australia, I would like to extend our heart-felt gratitude to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan people for their support to Mr Liu Xiaobo on winning the Nobel Peace Prize. We call on Tibetans to join us in the celebration," Mr Yu Shi Xin, president of the Chinese-Tibetan Friendship Association in Melbourne, said in his letter to the Office of Tibet in Australia. He concluded the letter commenting "The award, which reflects the international community's support for truth, has deeply moved us and our aspirations will certainly come true,"

On October 9th, around 50 Chinese people, including, democratic activists, intellectuals, and experts met for a gathering to celebrate Liu Xiaobo's award. "We consider that support from His Holiness the Dalai Lama played a substantial role in awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to Liu Xiaobo. We thank His Holiness for his support," said Mr Qin Jin, President of Federation for a Democratic China, who co-organized the celebratory get-together.

Since Liu's award many countries have come out in strong support for his release including America, Australia and Italy

Minneapolis: Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama has confirmed that he will be travelling to Minnesota on May 8th, 2011 to host a series of spiritual events in the city. The conference has been jointly organized by The Center for Spirituality and Healing at the University of Minnesota and the Tibetan American Foundation of Minnesota, which will see His Holiness' first official visit to the city since 2001. The premise of the visit is based around the theme "One Heart, One Mind, One Universe".

Minnesota has the second largest concentration of Tibetan Americans in the United States and his visit has already created much anticipation in the city. "The Tibetan American community of Minnesota is overjoyed about the eminent visit of His Holiness,' said Tsewang Ngodup, president of the board of directors of Tibetan American Foundation of Minnesota.

On the morning of May 8, His Holiness will conduct a special "Medicine Buddha Empowerment" initiation and in the afternoon he will feature in a public address entitled "Peace Through Inner Peace". Tickets for all events will be available through the Northrop ticket office from the October 18th, 2010.

For more details, visit the website for these events at www.dalailama.umn.edu.

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