Dharamshala: China's number two official in the Communist regime that has ruled the country since 1949 has stated that democracy will never reach China while the one party remains in power.

Wu Bangguo, one of the party's top nine politburo leaders, made the strong statements in Beijing during China's annual National People's Congress, making it clear that political reform is not an option under the current leadership.

Mr. Wu claimed that China's leaders had "made a solemn declaration that we will not employ a system of multiple parties holding office in rotation", showing a poor knowledge of democratic electoral systems, and warned of the consequences of change, saying "It is possible that the state could sink into the abyss of internal disorder" if democratic reforms were introduced.

His words seem to contradict earlier statements by premier Wen Jiabao, who suggested that democratic reforms may be possible in the interests of ensuring that state power would truly be held by the people.

It is well known that for the past 62 years China has been subject to domination by the sole legal political party, the CCP, under which any dissent is quickly silenced and frequent episodes of unrest are crushed by authorities.

Dharamshala: Today, Tuesday 8 March, marks the 100th anniversary of International Women's Day, a celebration of the political, economic and social achievements of women all over the world, past and present.

The Day was first observed in 1911, and in the hundred years since then many accomplishments have been made for greater women's rights by women across the globe. This year, events will be held in honour of women in over one hundred countries.

In some places including China, Russia, Vietnam and Bulgaria, International Women's Day is a public holiday, despite the lack of many other freedoms in some of these countries for the population as a whole.

The Tibetan Women's Uprising Day will be held on March 12, commemorating those who gave their lives for the national cause in 1959, after being beaten to death by Chinese forces in Lhasa.

Dharamshala: The Department of Home (Youth Empowerment Support) of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) in Dharamshala is offering a range of skill training opportunities, available for unemployed Tibetan youth.

The list includes diverse courses such as hairdressing, carpentry, cooking, computers, tailoring, mechanics and multi-media, and a start-up soft loan will be provided for the setting up of micro-enterprises following the training. The course durations vary from 3-18 months.

Application close March 31, 2011 and training is set to begin in May 2011. Applicants should contact local Tibetan Settlement Offices or the Dept. of Home for details, or log onto the website www.tibetgov.net for more information.

Dharamshala: The Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) received on 24 February a visit from Spalzes Angmo, a member of India's National Commission for Minorities, according to a statement from the Tibetan Parliamentary Secretariat.

Mr. Angmo attended a luncheon hosted by the Kashag where he met with Kalon Tripa prof. Samdhong Rinpoche, Deputy Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile Mrs. Dolma Gyari and other senior functionaries of the administration. Also present was the Revenue Officer of Kangra, Mr. Gyan Negi.

The luncheon meeting was followed by a brief interaction between Mr. Angmo and the Deputy Speaker and members of the Standing Committee of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile at the Parliamentary Secretariat.

Dharamshala: Hundreds of people gathered on Sunday morning along Temple Road in Dharamshala, India, to welcome His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama as his car drove, escorted by security, up to the main temple. His return marked the end of a twenty one-day tour in South India during which he inaugurated the memorial of the late Sri S Nijalingappa in Karnataka and the Rato monastery in the Doeguling Tibetan settlement in Mundgod, and gave several religious discourses in various cities.

Following his arrival in Dharamshala His Holiness presided over a ceremony of new arrivals, welcoming Tibetans into the exile community.

Dharamshala: The Japanese government has allegedly called an early end to its whaling season in the waters of Antarctica, following harassment by US-based conservation group 'Sea Shepherd Conservation Society', whose ships have been following Japanese vessels and preventing them from their activities, turning this season into Japan's "worst yet".

Japan kills hundreds of whales every year in the internationally-recognised sanctuary using a loophole in international whaling regulations which allows it to hunt the animals for 'scientific research', but it is well known that the whale meat is sold to Japanese restaurants.

There has been no official confirmation from the Japanese government, however Sea Shepherd captain Paul Watson has stated that "every whale saved is a victory to us, so we've gotten a lot of victories down here this year".

Dharamshala: The prime minister of Tibetan government in exile (Kalon Tripa) Prof Samdhong Rinpoche will leave Dharamsala today for a five-day visit to Germany and Switzerland from 16 - 20 February.

Kalon Tripa will meet officials of the governmental and non-governmental organisations in Berlin from 17-18 February.

He will address the Swiss-Tibetan Friendship Association's general meeting and members of the Tibetan community in Zurich from 19-20 February. He will return to Dharamsala on 22 February.

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