Dharamshala: - Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness Dalai Lama has returned to India's Himalayan town of Dharamshala after a fortnight long tour of the US and Japan. The Tibetan spiritual leader arrived in Dharamshala around 1:30 PM in the afternoon. Excited crowds thronged the streets leading up to the main temple, where his holiness resides.

On his last day in the States, His Holiness participated in two sessions at the Newark Peace Education Summit, made a keynote address and found agreement and support of the co-panellists on his call for incorporating teaching of secular ethics in the education system.

After such a hectic tour, in a statement released by Tenzin Taklha, joint secretary at the Dalai Lama's office he told reporters that "His Holiness Dalai Lama will not be present for Tuesday's match [IPL] as he has just arrived at Dharamshala following a fortnight-long hectic visit of the US and Japan" Taklha went on to say that "His Holiness is very tired, and he normally calls it a day by 3:30 PM."

Dharamshala: - The newly elected Prime Minister of Tibet government-in-exile, Dr. Lobsang Sangay, was given a warm and ceremonial reception at the Gagal Airport in Dharamshala on his arrival from the US. Sangay was welcomed by a large number of people who brought with them traditional incense, scarves, bouquets and Tibetan flags. The representatives of the Tibetan NGOs and Central Administration and Tibetan Parliament in exile were also present.

Talking to media persons at the airport, Dr Lobsang Sangay said he is committed to the task of taking His Holiness the Dalai Lama to his home land, Lhasa in Tibet. He promised to uphold policies of His Holiness and said that he will work towards achieving the objective "which the Dalai Lama has set for us".

He compared the Tibetan freedom struggle to that of India and said "Perhaps, Mahatma Gandhi faced the same question when he started his struggle for freedom and at that time, he must have said that he will make India a free country. Today, I am facing a similar situation."

When asked what his priority was, he said it was to restore the freedom of Tibet. He said that the prime challenge was to take up freedom talks with China and his agenda was to make the Tibetans aware of their rights. The Tibetan government-in-exile has tried to hold dialogues with the Chinese government but nine previous rounds of talks between Beijing and the Dalai Lama's envoys have produced no result.

Dharamshala: - Lobsang Rinchen, a 21-year-old monk of Kirti Monastery in Ngaba has been arrested from his residential quarter on 9 May. He is a native of Tsamring Tsang house in pastoral division no.2 of Me'uruma township in Ngaba.

"He was arrested and taken away by Ngaba prefecture state security and public security officers to an unknown place without giving any proper reasons for his custody," Lobsang Yeshe and Kanyag Tsering, monks at Kirti Monastery in Dharamshala told TibetNet website.

"Monasteries and communities in Ngaba, especially Kirti monastery, is being kept under tight restrictions," they said.

"The campaign for patriotic re-education is underway at the monastery and the residents of monks are under overt surveillance. The movements of monks are being watched over the electronic devices placed in every corner of the house," they added.

Taipei: A group of Tibetans headed by Mr Dachompa, the president of Taiwan Tibetan Welfare Association, have submitted an urgent appeal letter to the Taiwanese government and other foreign representative offices based in Taipei about the crisis in Ngaba in northeastern Tibet on 9 May.

In their written petition, the Tibetans have appealed to the respective governments to take legal measures to immediately stop the crackdown on monks of Kirti Monastery and lay Tibetans in Ngaba.

It also asked them to encourage the Chinese government to allow freedom of press inside Tibet.

The Office of the President, Office of the Executive Yuan and the Office of Legislative Yuan have acknowledged the petition filed by the Tibetans. They have subsequently forwarded the petition to American Institute in Taipei, Representative office of Canada, Australian Commerce and Industry Office, Representative office of United Kingdom and India Taipei Association.

"The initiative is part of our efforts to call on the international community to help defuse the worsening situation in Ngaba," said Mr Dachompa.

Dharamshala: The Chinese government, in case of a threat scenario with India, now has the capability of deploying more than half-a-million troops and sustaining them for over a month on the Indo-Tibetan border, also called the Line of Actual Control, according to the Indian Express. Last month a presentation was given to PM Manmohan Singh by the Indian Army, disclosing the details of Chinese army capacities and the recent build-up of infrastructure in the so-called Tibet Autonomous Region.

As part of major infrastructure upgradation in Tibet and east Turkestan, China has plans to establish another 70.000 km of black-top roads, to extend the Qinghai-Tibet Railway from Golmund to Lhasa and thereon to Shigatse (close to Sikkim), to construct railways connecting Kathmandu, Myanmar, Bhutan, Pakistan and Central Asian republics as well as plans to build 11 new rail lines in Tibet and Xinjiang, which will ensure rapid deployment of troops or so called PLA.

Also included in the report was information that there are eight airfields in Tibet, including five operational ones; 18 air bases in Tibet and east Turkestan have the capability to put India under range of Sukhoi 27 aircraft.

Dharamshala: - The Kalon for the Department of Religion and Culture of the Central Tibetan Administration will pay his last respects to the late Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu in Tawang.

According to a report on the official media 'Tibet Net", Kalon Tsering Phuntsok has left Dharamsala on last Saturday for Tawang to attend the state funeral of late chief minister scheduled on 10 May. He will offer his condolences to the concerned officials and family members of the late chief minister on the occasion.

He will visit Tawang monastery to conduct prayer service on 11 May. He is also expected to meet with the Tibetan community. He will return Dharamshala on 14 May.

Mr Dorjee Khandu along with 4 of his colleagues died in a tragic helicopter accident near Tawang recently.

Dharamshala: The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile has expressed its deep condolence over the sad demise of Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister Dorjee Khandu, who passed away in a tragic helicopter crash.

In a condolence message sent to the state chief secretary, the Tibetan Parliament said it was deeply worried and prayed for the safe return of the chief minister as the helicopter carrying him and his colleagues went missing for the last almost four days.

"The state of Arunachal Pradesh and the Tibetan people have had historical relationship, which was further strengthened and deepened during the tenure of Dorjee Khandu La's chief ministership. The Parliament remains highly appreciative of his leadership and concern," Speaker Penpa Tsering said in the message.

"The Tibetan Parliament in Exile expresses its deep condolence to the people of Arunachal Pradesh. We wish to convey our condolence to all the bereaved family members of the late chief minister," the message noted.

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