Dharamshala: - A new video from Tibet shows a large group of monks holding a peaceful protest in Ba Thunte or Gepa Sumdo in Tsolho in Tibet's Amdo Province, demanding the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and respect for Tibetan language. (Watch)

Holding Tibetan national flags the monks from Shingtri Monastery moved in a procession on the streets of Gepa Sumdo on 15 March. The monks headed towards the local municipal office, shouting slogans for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, freedom and equal respect for the Tibetan language.

The monks were later joined by thousands of lay people during the peaceful protest. The police have arrested over 50 monks after the protest. Next day, more than 2,000 Tibetans shouted slogans in front of the police station for the release of the arrested monks.

In another incident, a Tibetan student of middle school in Ba Thunte raised voices for the Tibetan people's right to freedom of religion and language. The whole region is currently under severe restrictions.

Dharamsala: On day ten of the Indefinite Hunger Strike in New York, Tibetan protesters were joined by Dr. Yang Jianli, Research Fellow and President of Initiative for China at Harvard University.

Dr. Jianli is a survivor of the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre and has previously spent five years in a Chinese prison.  He is widely recognized as a major leader in China's pro-democracy movement.

Dr. Jianli believes that continued US human rights pressure on China is a critical component for world stability and the peaceful transition to a democratic China.

His act of solidarity not only offers encouragement to the three patriots on hunger strike, but also gives publicity to the cause. Dr. Yang is considered one of the most important international advocates for China's peaceful democratic transition, and his participation is an invaluable contribution the to Free Tibet movement.

Kathmandu: - Thirteen Tibetan exiles were arrested at The United Nations building in Kathmandu.

They were appealing to The U.N. to send an investigatory committee into Tibet to explore Chinese human rights abuses.

"This protest is intended to urge The U.N. to pressure the Chinese authorities to stop killing Tibetan protesters," the exiles stated.

According to government statistics, about 20,000 Tibetan refugees live in Nepal. However, thousands more are believed to live in the country as undocumented migrants.

As of late, Nepal has come under increasing pressure from China to crush anti-China or pro-Tibet activities.

Dharamshala, India: In an attempt to spread awareness about the current situation in Tibet, Tibet's political leader Dr. Lobsang Sangay commenced his 11-day official trip to United States, Canada and Europe yesterday.

Amidst various other engagements, he is scheduled to deliver the President's Lecture Series address on ‘Democracy in Exile: The Case for Tibet' at Western Connecticut State University today.

He will be publicly addressing the Tibetans living in New York city and Toronto on 25th and 26th February respectively and proceed to South Tyrol in Italy on the 27th.

He will meet with official dignitaries the same day and attend various programs at South Tyrol and Trentino for two days.

29th of February will see Dr. Sangay visit Dublin to attend the Gold Medal awarding ceremony by the College Historical Society (CHS) at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland.

He is scheduled to return to Dharamsala 3 March 2012.

Dharamshala: - Tibetan Parliament in Exile will observe A Day long Solidarity Hunger Strike for the victims of Chinese police firing and Self Immolations in Tibet on the first day of the Tibetan New Year on 22 February 2012.

After the completion of the official ceremony, presides over by His Holiness the Dalai Lama at Tsuglha Khang, Dharamsala, the solidarity hunger strike will begin at 10.00am (IST).

Aftermath the series of self immolations inside Tibet, the Tibetan Parliament in Exile has made several press statements and sent an Open Letter to China's President, Hu Jintao, according to a report published by the Tibetan official media, Tibet Net. In the letter, the Tibetan Parliament expressed deep anguish and concern at the prevailing critical situation inside Tibet.

The program of the Solidarity Fast for the victims of Police firings and Self Immolation in Tibet, which is to be held on the first day of Tibet New Year. More details about the event, please click the here.

Tokyo: - Tibetans and Japanese supporters organised a memorial service to express their solidarity with the Tibetans in Tibet in view of the spate of tragic self-immolations by young Tibetans and the Chinese government's heavy-handed response to the Tibetans' peaceful calls for freedom and human rights in Tibet.

The memorial service, organised by the Office of Tibet at Gokokuji Temple in Tokyo on 8 February, was part of the global solidarity vigil called by the Central Tibetan Administration. Prayers were offered in both Tibetan and Japanese languages. A candlelight vigil also organised in the evening.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama's Representative to Japan, Mr Lhakpa Tshoko, and his staff attended the vigil. Mr Lhakpa Tshoko addressed the gathering about the deteriorating human rights situation in Tibet. He reiterated the Central Tibetan Administration's deep concern over the self-immolation incidents and the Chinese authorities' killing of peaceful Tibetan demonstrators for simply claiming their basic rights. He also reiterated the Central Tibetan Administration's urgent call for support from the international community to press the Chinese government towards resolving the Tibet's problem through dialogue.

Dharamshala, India: A Japanese firm, Daiwa Securities Group, recently created presumable confusion and embarassment among Chinese authorities as the firm presented a map on which Tibet was shown to belong to India, as did the non-Tibetan part of China's Yunnan province.

The map was part of a business proposal to the People Insurance Company of China (PICC) who only found the error after the actual interview. Subsequently, PICC officials have asked Daiwa to remake the map and to offer a formal appology.

According to newssite www.wantchinatimes.com the matter was also reported to the China Securities Regulatory Commission as well as the China Insurance Regulatory Commission who are now considering their next move in this politically sensitive issue.

The Japanese company itself put the error down to "negligence", but several security experts have expressed doubts that the alternative map could be excused as merely "unprofessional".

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