Dharamshala: - In commemoration of the ‘Twenty Fifth Years in Exile’ since its establishment, Gu Chu Sum Movement of Tibet, a former political prisoners association marks its 25th founding anniversary in exile, pays heartfelt tribute to Tibetan martyrs for their sacrifices in 1987 which also continues to keep the struggle of Tibet alive.

The event ceremony held early morning at 7.30am with prayers followed by an elaborate incense burning ceremony at Lhagyal-ri in Dharamshala, India. The chief guest former political prisoner, Ama Adhe re-luanched its website.

Tibetans across Dharamshala gathered to honour those who perished at the hands of the Chinese during the peaceful 1987 Lhasa uprising and to remember those who lost their lives during the protest.

Past many years, the organisation has published many books related the biographies of ex-political prisoners as well as literature on political awareness and the plight of prisoners in Tibet. Ama Adhe also launched a new book, ex-political prisoner Tsering Dhondup's biography.

"This day marks an important anniversary in the struggle for Tibetan freedom. Twenty-five years ago on the 27th September 1987 Lhasa the capital of Tibet witnessed the beginning of the largest and most significant uprisings since 1959," the group said in a statement released on Spet. 27, 2012.

Dharamshala: - The 15th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile Thursday, September 20, 2012 amended the title of Kalon Tripa to Sikyong (Political Leader) in Article 19 of the Charter of the Tibetans in exile and relevant articles.

However, after this amendment, title Kalon (minister) for the remaining members of the Kashag (cabinet) will continue to remain the same.

The landmark charter amendment motion, tabled in the floor of the House was unanimously approved after deliberations by members of the Parliament.

The charter amendment bill number 39 was introduced by Kalon (minister) of security Dhongchung Ngodup on the seventh day of the fourth session of the 15th Tibetan parliament-in-exile.

The name change has been effected following His Holiness the Dalai Lama's speech on August 8, 2011. Following the devolution of his political authority to the democratically-elected Tibetan leadership, the Tibetan spiritual leasder had said that he was handing over the political leadership he inherited from Taktra Rinpoche to Lobsang Sangay, the first democratically-elected Sikyong.

"I took over the political leadership of Tibet from Sikyong Taktra Rinpoche, when I was 16 years old. Today, in the 21st century, when democracy is thriving, I hand over the political leadership of Tibet to Sikyong Lobsang Sangay," the Tibetan leader had said.

Dharamshala: On Saturday evening of September 8, hundreds gathered around the Havis Amanda statue in Finland for a protest demonstration in support of the Tibetan cause.

The demonstration began at the center of Market Square in Helsinki, passed through Senate Square, and continued along the Parliament House. Anyone who is in either support of Tibetan independence or autonomy was encouraged to participate.

In addition, those who joined in the march also paid tribute and remembered previous Tibetans who committed self-immolations to protest Chinese oppression in their country.

Dharamshala: - Eleven Tibetan NGOs invited Tibetan reporters to attend a press conference on September 6 at Bhagsu Hotel in Dharamsala, northern India, in response to recent alleged accusations against His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet.

The eleven NGOs claimed that accusations that His Holiness has 'withdrawn' (Tibetan: 'shirdu') the Tibetan government-in-exile had been circulated by some individual Tibetans and the Tibetan Youth Congress (TYC).

However, when questioned by reporters, the NGOs said they did not have any direct evidence that the TYC had made any statement to this effect, but rather that they were referring to a speech made by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

The controversy has arisen against the backdrop of the Tibetan parliament-in-exile's decision to refer to itself as an 'administration'' as opposed to a government.

The eleven plaintive NGOs were: U-Tsang Cholka, Chushi Gangdruk, Dhome Cholka, Dharamshala Dhotoe Cholka, Chigdril Tsokpa, Ngari Chithun Tsokpa, Cholsum Tsokpa, Chabsi Tsondrol Tsokpa, Tsongkhang Kyiduk, Sakhang Kyiduk and Umei Lam Mimang Legulkhang.

On 7 June 2011, TYC vowed to "respect and continue to recognise and retain the name of 'Tibetan Government-in-exile'', at a press conference held at its headquarters, and issued a statement saying it was "highly critical of the 14th Tibetan Parliament-in-exile's decision to change the name of the Tibetan Government-in-exile to Organisation of the Tibetan People."

Dharamshala: On the 29th of Lhakar ‘White Wednesday’, a group of Tibetan businessmen from Dzadu village in Kham Region purchased a truck full of sheep from Chinese business people in hope of saving the sheep lives.

Before the rescue, the sheep were arranged to be sent to various Chinese cities to be slaughtered. After the purchase, the sheep were sent to Zelkar monastery in Dzadu village, and thereafter were care for by a Tibetan villager. In return, the Zelkar monastery gave the businessmen Khadak scarves to thank them for saving the animals. By saving the animal lives, they hope for the long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and for a resolution to the Tibetan crisis.


Dharamshala: His Holiness the Dalai Lama will be hosting series of public teachings from 4 to 6 of September, 2012 at the Main Temple in Dharamshala. The teachings will encompass lessons from Chapter 5 onwards on Shantideva's A Guide to the Boddhisattva's Way of Life. For those who want to attend the event, registration at the Tibetan Branch Security Office in McLeod Ganj is required, which will be open approximately 3 days before the actual teachings take place.

In addition, His Holiness will be visiting various monasteries located in the Dehradun Area, Uttarakhand, India from 14 to 17 of September, 2012. He will visit Mindroling Monastery in the morning on 14 September, Drikung Jangchup Ling Monastery on 15 September, and Sakya Rinchenling Nunnery on 16 September. Finally, His Holiness will partake in the 50th Anniversary celebrations of the Tibetan Homes Foundation in Mussoorie on 17 September.

Dharamsala: July 24, 2012: -- Through Worldwide "Flame of Truth" relay, Tibetan Parliament-in-exile appeal international community and people of the world to support the issue of Tibet through this signature campaign. We are going to submit signed petition to UN Headquarters in New York, UN Human Rights Council in Geneva and UN Information Centre in New Delhi on December 10, 2012 with following demands:

1. The United Nations must discuss the issue of Tibet based on the resolutions that it has passed in 1959, 1961 and 1965, and continuously make efforts to fulfil the substance of these resolutions

2. An independent international fact-finding delegations must immediately be sent to investigate the ongoing crisis in Tibet

3. The United Nations must take special responsibility to ensure that the basic aspirations of the Tibetans inside Tibet are fulfilled

Log on to following link for your online signature: http://www.thepetitionsite.com/takeaction/198/920/082/

Report filed by TPiE's Committee on Flame of Truth Relay, Dharamsala.

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