New Delhi: - As part of the All India Solidarity with Tibet lobby campaign, Tibetan parliamentarians including Deputy Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, Acharya Yeshi Phuntsok, Juchen Kunchok Choedon and Dawa Phunkyi met a string of parliamentarians from both houses of the Indian parliament.

The Tibetan parliamentary delegation appealed to the Indian parliamentarians to express support for the cause of Tibet and urged them to join the Tibetan people's solidarity campaign which will be held from 30 January- 2 February 2013 at New Delhi. The Tibetan people's solidarity campaign is a joint initiative of the Kashag and the Tibetan Parilament-in-exile.

The delegation met 15 members of Parliament from across the spectrum of Indian political parties. The Indian parliamentarians also expressed solidarity with the critical situation inside Tibet and assured unwavering support for Tibet.

Dharamshala: - As part of Harvard Program on Humanitarian Policy and Conflict Research, a group of 16 mid-career students from Harvard School of Public Health and Harvard Kennedy School visited Dharamsala for one day on January 15, 2013.

The trip to Dharamsala was scheduled as part of the program on purpose so that the students could get a feel of the working of the exile Administration and also meet face to face with Sikyong Dr. Lobsang Sangay, according to the exile administration media, Tibet Net.

The students interacted with the Sikyong for almost 2 hours, during which he touched on topics ranging from Tibetan self-immolations, the structure and working of the Central Tibetan Administration, the current political scenario in Tibet and his personal experiences.

The Sikyong also answered all the wide-ranging queries of the students.

Dharamshala: Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay has extended "his heartiest congratulations" to the new speaker to the President of the Federal Parliament of Switzerland.

In a congratulatory letter to Maya Graf, the first ever member of Green Party to be elected to the post, on behalf of Central Tibetan Administration, he said: "I am pleased to learn that you have been successfully elected as the speaker to the President of the Federal Parliament of Switzerland."

In August, 2012, when first Vice President of the Parliament, Ms Graf issued a statement expressing "concern over the grave human rights situation in Tibet", and appealing to the international community to take the "cry for help of the Tibetans seriously and urge China to review its Tibet policy."

Dr Sangay met Ms Graf in Bern, Switzerland, during a visit to the nation's capital in November, 2011.

Dharamshala: - The Central Tibetan Administration had offered a long-life prayer to His Eminence Sakya Trizin Rinpoche, according to an official report of CTA media '' During the ceremony, His Eminence Sakya Trizin Rinpoche expressed happiness and thanked CTA's long life prayer offering.

The Department of Religion and Culture of the Central Tibetan Administration organised a long life prayer ceremony (Tenshug) for His Eminence Sakya Trizin Rinpoche, the head of the Sakya School of Tibetan Buddhism, on 17 December.

Kalon Pema Chhinjor presented to Sakya Trizin Rinpoche auspicious offerings for his long life at a grand ceremony held at the Sakya Centre at Rajpur near Dehradun.

In his address, Sakya Trizin Rinpoche expressed happiness and thanked the Central Tibetan Administration and the Department of Religion and Culture for organising the Tenshug ceremony.

Dharamshala: - The Tibetan Parliament in exile Tuesday warmly congratulated Park Geun-hye on her election as the next President of the Republic of Korea.

In his congratulatory letter to the newly elected President Ms Park Geun-hye, the Tibetan Parliament Speaker Mr Penpa Tsering urged Ms Park Geun-hye to voice her concerns over the long standing issue of Tibet.

"On behalf of all the Tibetan people, the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile wishes to congratulate you and your party for the emphatic victory in the recent state elections," said Mr Penpa Tsering.

"We wish you all the success in your endeavour," Mr Penpa Tsering added.

"We are sure you are well informed about the situation in Tibet and we seek your support in peacefully resolving the long standing issue of Tibet," Mr Penpa Tsering further stated.

Dhaaramshala: - The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile today congratulated Senator John Kerry for being nominated as the next US Secretary of State.

Tibetan Parliament Penpa Tsering in his congratulatory letter to Senator Kerry said: "We are very happy for your appointment as the Secretary of the State of the greatest nation on earth. On behalf of all the Tibetan people, we wish to congratulate you on assuming the onerous responsibility.

"We have always been very appreciative of your interest, concern and support for the Tibetan cause. With your new responsibility, we feel encouraged that you will seek a justified solution for the issue of Tibet.

"We also wish you a very successful and Happy New Year 2013."

Dharamshala: - On December 10th, International Human Rights Day, the Tibetan Parliament in exile delivered a petition to United Nations officials in Delhi showing more than 357, 000 signatures from around the world in favor of the UN intervening in the Tibet issue.

The petition was signed by citizens of more than ninety nations including politicians, as part of the Tibetan Parliament's Flame of Truth Relay. This movement, started in July of 2012, was put in place by the Tibetan government in exile to raise awareness about the increasing number of self-immolations inside Tibet.

The petition, which filled 119 books, was delivered to UN officials, with hope that the UN will help foster a solution for the situation in Tibet. The petition encouraged the UN to act on past resolutions regarding Tibet and to send observers into Tibet to further investigate the situation.

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