Dharamshala: The Tibetan Women's Association (TWA) today released the results of the July 6 Kalon Tripa (Tibetan Prime Minister) Mock Election.

In a press statement, the TWA was keen to emphasise that the mock election's aim was to encourage and increase participation of the Tibetan electorate in the the real preliminary elections which were held in October, and next year's general election, and that it did not want the mock election results to sway voters in any way.

Of the 9,870 votes cast by registered voters in the mock election, 1,931 were disqualified, due to candidates either voting for themselves or for Professor Samdhong Rinpoche, the present Kalon Tripa, who will be required to step down at the end of his present term.
173 candidates representing 37 Tibetan provinces stood in the mock election. Below we publish the top ten:

1) Tenzin Namgyal Tethong (U-Tsang Province) - 2,174 votes.

2) Lobsang sangay (Dotoe province)-2000

3) Jesun pema (Domey province)-726

4) Gyari Dolma (Dotoe province)-470

5) Penpa tsering (Domey province)-232

6) Gyari Lodoe (Dotoe Privince)-231

7) Lobsang Jinpa (Dotoe province)-198

8) Lobsang Nyendak (Dotoe province)-152

9) Pema Jungney 143

10) Thupten Lungrik (Domey province)-136

Dharamshala: An important address in Warsaw's central Wola District was renamed "Tibet Square" on Thursday.

At the renaming ceremony, the city's mayor, Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz, said "this is our tribute to peace loving Tibetan people who are waging a struggle to preserve their identity".

A plaque was unveiled which reads, "In the memory of those great Tibetan fighters who on 10 March 1959 came out on the streets of Lhasa and for the 86,000 Tibetans who lost their lives in the national uprising. Also for those who were forced to live in exile. To the 14th Dalai Lama, who was made an honorary citizen of Warsaw in 2009".

His Holiness the Dalai Lama has made regular visits to Poland since 1989, most recently last year, when he attended three days of events in Warsaw at the invitation of Mrs. Gronkiewicz-Waltz and the city council.

Polish opposition party PIS, led by Jaroslaw Kaczynski, has campaigned for the square to be renamed "Free Tibet" for the past 2 years. Following protests from the Chinese embassy in Warsaw, the decision was taken to change this to "Tibet Square".

Dharamshala: Protests by Tibetan students over their right to study their own language in school have spread throughout other areas of north-west China, The Tibet Post has learned.

Thousands of Tibetan students from six schools in Amdho region of eastern Tibet took to the streets on Tuesday (19th October) in protest over the new forced study of Chinese language. Since then the protests spread to two adjacent Tibetan prefectures.

On Wednesday (20th October), up to 2,000 students from four separate schools in Chabcha, Tsolho have protested outside government buildings shouting slogans such as "We want freedom for the Tibetan language".

In Dawu town on Thurday (21st October) students also protested on Thursday. Police responded by preventing local residents from going out into the streets.

The area has seen increased numbers of security personnel in the last few days, in an attempt to subdue the student protests.

Dharmshala: Diplomats claim that China is attempting to block the publication of a United Nations report which links Chinese weapons with attacks on UN and African Union peacekeepers in Sudan's troubled Darfur region.

Darfur has been the subject of an international arms embargo for 6 years, although the sale of weapons to the Sudanese central government in Khartoum remains legal. The report does not claim that Chinese arms dealers knew that the weapons were intended for use in Darfur, but at least a dozen types of Chinese ammunition have been used by Khartoum against rebels in Darfur.

That Chinese casings have also been found at sites where attacks on UN troops took place appears to be causing great concern to the Security Council.

Conflict broke out in Darfur in 2003, sparked by the oppressive rule of the Khartoum government and a widespread feeling that the administration favoured Arabs over black Africans. The UN estimates that, since then, the fighting has forced some 2.7 million civilians from their homes, and has claimed the lives of up to 300,000.

The present report is being discussed by a UN Committee charged with regulating sanctions against Sudan, and after a meeting on Wednesday, Chinese diplomat Zhao Baogang expressed Beijing's objections: the document "lacks confirmed facts" and "is full of flaws".
Yang Tao, a member of China's Permanent Mission to the UN, told the Security Council that the report left "much room for improvement" and urged the panel of experts "to conduct its work under the principles of objectivity and responsibility".

China, as a permanent member of the Security Council, can exercise considerable influence in modifying or blocking the report.

Dharamshala: A two day International symposium was held In Mongolia,last week, concerning the "1913 Treaty between Mongolia and Tibet".

The event held from the 13th-14th October and was organized by the editorial board of the journal "The Impendence" of the National Intelligence Academy of Mongolia. It was attended by experts from Mongolia, India, America, Korea, Russia, Canada, Taiwan, Japan, Holland and Germany.

The symposium included a combination of research from 27 Mongolian and foreign scholars on the reasoning for signing and the implications of the 1913 Treaty of Friendship and Alliance between the two countries. In the treaty, Mongolia and Tibet declared mutual recognition and allegiance

At the conclusion of the conference, there was a unanimous agreement from all countries involved that 99% of the Treaty was factual and official, which created more questions on the implication of the treaty in today's political climate.
The Government of Mongolia publicly stated it is not involved in any way in the symposium, nor it takes any position on this issue.

Ohio: Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama was honored yesterday (20th October) in Ohio for his contribution towards world freedom. The National Underground Railroad Freedom Centre presented His Holiness the Dalai Lama with the "International Freedom Conductor Award" in recognition of his work for Tibet and his promotion of peace and non-violence.

"The Dalai Lama's tireless efforts on behalf of Tibet - and his life-long advocacy of freedom and peace for all people - are in the finest traditions of those abolitionists who fought for the eradication of slavery in the 18th and 19th centuries," said Freedom Center CEO & President Donald W. Murphy.

In the past the award has been given to Rosa Parks, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, and Bill Clinton. A $25,000 prize was offered with the award, but the Dalai Lama donated it back to the center.

His Holiness received the award in front of packed out crowd of nearly 2,000 at the Duke Energy Convention Center. After accepting the award His Holiness spoke briefly to the audience and then answered question posed to him by the audience.

Paris: 55 Tibetan delegates from 12 European countries met in Paris, the capitla of France, this week, for the second Tibetan Congress in Europe.

The event took place from the 15th till the 17th with the discussion centered on the methods in which to develop Tibetans communities in Europe. There were many workshop focus groups aiming to create new dialogue and cooperation between the different Tibetan communities scattered across Europe.

At the concluding session of Congress, a debate was held concerning the parliamentary election next March, which allowed the candidates to put forward their vision for Tibet's future.

The countries that sent delegates were: Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, the Norway, Poland, Spain and the United Kingdom..

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