Dharamshala: A group of international parliamentarians has proposed the independent monitoring of the 15th Tibetan parliamentary and prime-ministerial elections in 2011.

Members of the International Network for Parliamentarians on Tibet (INPaT), who attended the 50th Tibetan Democracy Day celebrations in Bylakuppe yesterday (September 2), met with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Tibetan election commissioner Jampal Chosang. They discussed the possibility of having independent observers from the international community attend the 2011 elections, to monitor first-hand the advances made by the exile Tibetan democracy.

INPaT representatives reiterated the importance of the international community pressuring China to come to the table to negotiate a way of achieving genuine autonomy for the Tibetan people.

Next year, INPaT will stage an event for parliamentarians from around the world to discuss ways of improving the dialogue between Tibet and China.

Kathmandu: Two Tibetan activists were detained by Nepalese police on Thursday (August 26) for posting anti-Beijing leaflets ahead of a planned protest.

According to an Associated Press report, the activists have been identified as Kelsang Nordup and Tashi Dawa, both members of the New Age Network, a group involved in anti-China protests in Kathmandu.

Both are being held under public security laws which would usually allow for their release after the protest. However, Nordup also faces charges of resisting arrest and assaulting police officers which could lead to a jail term of several months.

Tibetan exiles have staged regular demonstrations in Kathmandu since 2008, and Nepal is under increasing pressure from China to crack down on the political protests.

Bylakuppe: Over 100 Tibetan monks at Sera Je monastery received their BA & MA diplomas in Buddhist philosophy on Saturday (August 28). The Venerable Tsering Phuntsok, Tibetan minister of religion and culture, presented the degrees at the 15th graduation ceremony in Bylakuppe, Karnataka state, South India.

Sera Je is one of the largest Tibetan universities to offer BA & MA (Tibetan: Uma and Pharshin) philosophy courses. The graduating class have studied there for 14 years, focusing on the Madhyamike and Prajñaparamita.

Please visit our gallery for the related event held in South India.

Dharamshala: Tibetan spiritual leader His Holiness the Dalai Lama gave teachings on the Diamond Sutra at the main Tibetan temple in Dharamshala from August 28-29.

The teachings, held at the request of a group of Korean Buddhists, were attended by thousands of followers, including Tibetans, Japanese and  Spanish.

This morning (August 30), His Holiness left for south India to attend the first Tibetan National General Meeting, the recommendations of which will be presented at tomorrow's closing ceremony.

Visit our gallery for pictures of the first day of His Holiness' teachings

Dharamshala: Chinese authorities last month arrested the Tibetan scholar Kalsang Tsultrim (pen name Gyitsang Takmig), according to the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy. The reasons for the arrest, in Dzoge County, Sichuan Province on July 7, have yet to be officially confirmed.

Mr Kalsang's family suspect he has been detained because of his expressions of alarm about the situation in Tibet. In 2009 Mr Kalsang produced and distributed 2,500 VCDs discussing Tibetan history and recording the desires, aspirations and concerns of Tibetan people in Tibet. He also published the book Miyul La Phul Ve Sempa (Sharing the Inner Thoughts in My Heart), which also described the concerns of Tibetans.

Mr Kalsang's arrest is not unexpected - he has been on the move for at least a year to remain safe from the authorities - and is an example of China's current targeting of Tibetan artists, writers, bloggers and cultural figures allegedly guilty of 'political errors'.

His Holiness in Manali: His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Saturday (August 22)  gave a press conference in Manali to mark the end of his teaching tour of Himachal Pradesh, north India.

In answer to questions from journalists, he explained his beliefs that the world should be viewed as one entity, consisting of interdependent factions, that the global population is now tired of violence and war, and that India, because of its history of religious diversity and harmony, will have an important role to play in the 21st century.

"The religious harmony is part of India's tradition," he said. "Wherever I go, I always carry the message of Ahimsa (the avoidance of violence) and the message of religious harmony."

On the issue of his advocacy of the 'middle-way' approach to Tibetan autonomy, His Holiness said that there are always disagreements withing the Tibetan community, but that the majority of Tibetans support his stance. He also said that, for Buddhism to remain relevant in the modern world, Buddhists need to learn about and question their religion, rather than simply enacting Buddhist rituals.

Visit our Outlook section for the full press conference transcript.

Dharamshala: This morning, His Holiness the Dalai Lama performed the Heruk (Tibetan: Dechok) initiation in Garshia, Lahoul and Spiti district, as he continued his teaching tour of Himachal Pradesh, north India. Over 5,000 people attended the event, including Chinese and other foreign devotees.

His Holiness spoke on religious conversion, saying, I have heard many local people of Lahaul and Kullu used to be Buddhist but have now converted to Hinduism. "people who follow any religion, it is better to keep the ancestors' religion and follow it. Religious conversion brings complications and difficulties."

Tomorrow, His Holiness will conduct the Avalokiteshvara empowerment ritual, receive a ‘long-life' offering from the audience and attend a press conference.

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