Washington DC — On November 18, 2020, The US House of Representatives passed a resolution entitled “H. Res. 697: – Affirming the significance of’ the advocacy for genuine autonomy for Tibetans in the People’s Republic of China and the work His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama has done to promote global peace, harmony, and understanding.”

Washington DC — President of the Tibetan Government in-Exile Dr Lobsang Sangay, met with Robert A. Destro United States Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor Thursday, the highest-level meeting between the two administrations after Secretary Destro being appointed as the new US Special Coordinator for Tibetan Issues.

Washington DC — World’s worst human rights abusers such as totalitarian China and other authoritarian regimes were elected to United Nations Human Rights Council despite a record of Human Rights atrocities in decades. The decision to accept the totalitarian communist regime of China into a membership position in a UN body that supposedly values the protection and promotion of human rights is unacceptable, and it has been met with much immediate criticism.

Prague — Criticising China’s lack of transparency and disregard for human rights for having caused such a global level crisis, the leader of the Tibetan government in-Exile has warned the European nations in particular of massive economic and social harm that China is capable of. The Tibetan President Dr Lobsang Sangay has strongly alarmed that the world must realise the real China and not the facade they put up of being a powerful nation willing to play by the rules.

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