Dharamshala, India— "Chinese Communist Party's President Xi personally called for an increased political education in schools in Tibet to ensure the loyalty of the next generation", according to the World Report of Human Right Watch in 2021. The Chinese authorities in Tibet continue to impose inhuman violations of freedom on Tibetans.

Geneva, Switzerland — “China is a threat for the entire humanity to live in peace,” said Ms Liz, a supporter of Tibet, at the Tibet Solidarity Movement while outlining the damages China was doing to humans and to the entire world. The Tibet Solidarity Movement led by five Tibetan families marked the 108th time to demonstrate In front of the UN Building in Geneva on January 13, 2021.

Dharamshala, India— “The younger generation is our hope. Past is past, the future depends on the younger generation,” said His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, at a virtual conference with environmental activist Greta Thunberg, and two leading scientists, William Moomaw and Susan Natali on January 10, 2021. They discussed climate change and global warming.

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