Geneva — United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet announced on Tuesday that she had reached an agreement with China for an official visit to East Turkestan in May and that she had raised with the Chinese government the ongoing crackdown on activists in support of their freedom of expression.

New Delhi — China's exploitation of the Beijing Winter Olympics for political propaganda and IOC President Tomas Bach's misuse of the Olympic platform have brought shame on the Olympic movement, hence calls for rebooting the rules and regulations of the Olympics and the IOC,” say, international experts.

New Delhi — "President Xi Jinping’s over enthusiasm in insisting that “Tibet has been always a part of China” and his aggressive expectation from the world community to accept China’s similar claims over Xinjiang, South Mongolia and other occupied countries has exposed the guilt conscience of China over its colonial rule over these countries," said Vijay Kranti, a renowned Tibetologist and Chairman of CHASE, .

Dharamshala, India — “China does not deserve the right to host the Winter Olympics in Beijing with such clear evidence of human rights violations and abuses. We firmly oppose China hosting the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, and recognise the failure of the governments and countries supporting the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics,” said five Tibetan non-governmental organisations at an anti-Beijing Olympics protest on the first day of the Games.

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