Washington D.C — “China continues to be one of the worst abusers of religious freedom in the world. They have engaged in genocide and crimes against humanity against the Uyghurs. They also continue their repression, as I spoke about, of Tibetan Buddhists, but also Protestants, Catholics, the Falun Gong, Hui Muslims,” said Rashad Hussain, US Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, on the occasion of the release of the 2021 International Religious Freedom Report on June 2, 2022.

Oslo, Norway — “Tibet continues in various forms of violence, from political oppression to social, and economic discrimination, cultural and religious suppression, environmental destructions, the Chinese government spends billions of dollars every year to try control and infiltrate our communities, intimidate us, and silence our calls for freedom,” said Chemi Lhamo, the Tibetan activist at the Oslo Freedom Forum 2022.

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