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Dharamshala: Tsering Dorjee is a firm discipline of Truku Tenzin Delek, a prominent Buddhist leader who founded two Tibetan schools, developed educational programs for impoverished nomads and advocated environmental conservation. Tsering Dorjee's backing of Tenzin Delek Rinpoche led to a successful teaching position in one of Tenzin Delek's schools, as well as arrest, jail time and repeated torture.

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The governor of so called Tibet Autonomous Region and another Tibetan man, chairman of the Tibetan People's Congress will resign this week, the Chinese state controlled news service reported on Tuesday.

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The Tibetan official who was seen as a leading director of the harsh crackdown against the 2008 March protests in Lhasa was today appointed the deputy party secretary of the Tibetan Autonomous Region (TAR).

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Dharamshala: Dhondup Wangchen, the famous Tibetan filmmaker who made the documentary "Leaving Fear Behind", was sentenced to six years in prison at the end of last month. His family members were depressed by the unfair sentence, a report said.

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The so called Kardze (Ch: Ganzi) Intermediate People’s Court in Dartsedo (Ch: Kangding) on 23 December 2009 sentenced renowned Tibetan lama Tulku Phurbu Tsering Rinpoche to eight years and six months in prison, according to the latest information received by the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) and other reliable sources.

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A source from Tibet said on 2 December, a nun named Choedon, aged 48, and two men named Tenzin Dharjee, aged 21, and Norbu Sangpo, aged 17, were arrested in front of the main Jokhang temple gate, in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. The three were going to offer food to relatives who were praying and prostrating in front of the Jokhang temple when they were arrested.

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The situation in Nyakchu county continues to grow more serious according to a source from Tibet today. The 60 Tibetans who traveled to Chengdu, the capital of Sicuan Province to appeal for Tenzin Delek Rinpoche’s release have been arrested, along with 90 people detained on 5- 6 December in Nyakchu, for a total of 150 arrested over this protest.

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