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Dharamshala: Chinese authorities arrested eleven Tibetans, mostly monks accusing them of producing and distributing subversive songs on video compact disc (VCD), according to reliable information received by the Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD).

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Dharamshala: A source from eastern Tibet said, over another 300 Tibetans, including elders and children, are peacefully demonstrating in front of the local Chinese government office in Thangkarma, Othok, Lithang county eastern Tibet, having gone without food for three days now in a hunger strike for Tenzin Delek Rinpoche's release. They are arguing that Tenzin Delek is not a criminal, and that without him their community is in chaos, with no one to mediate and keep the peace. 

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Dharamshala: Today, sources in eastern Tibet reported to The Tibet Post International that on December 5, over 300 of people in the towns of Golok and Othog in Nyakchu district, eastern Tibet began a peaceful demonstration and hunger strike for the release of Trulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, a famous Tibetan spiritual leader. So far, 90 people have been already arrested and around 20 seriously injured.

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Chinese authorities have arrested a popular young Tibetan singer in eastern Tibet, accusing him of composing subversive songs, Times Online reported today.

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Dharamshala: A source from Tibet said, China sentenced two Tibetans; Gyalsing and Nyima Wangchuk to three years' imprisonment for posting photographs and speeches of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. They were among the four Tibetans who were arrested by Chinese official in Sog county, eastern Tibet on 1 October, the same day Chinese government held a large ceremony for the communist party's founding anniversary.

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Spurred on by the arrival of a Chinese work team sent last year to Tongkhor Monastery, Tsera Township, Kardze County, eastern Tibet to institute a reeducation campaign, a protest erupted on April 2nd culminating in a massive police shooting. Refusing to undergo "patriotic reeducation," which entails denouncing His Holiness the Dalai Lama as a separatist and signing documents pledging allegiance to China's Communist Party (CCP), monks of the sangha staged a peaceful demonstration which was met with indiscriminate fire the following day.

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Dharamshala: A source from Tibet said Tibetan writer and photographer Mr Gunga Tsangyang was sentenced to five years' imprisonment on Saturday by the Chinese People's Intermediate Court.

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