60 Tibetans who appealed arrested, 3 women beaten in protests: update

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9december200910The situation in Nyakchu county continues to grow more serious according to a source from Tibet today. The 60 Tibetans who traveled to Chengdu, the capital of Sicuan Province to appeal for Tenzin Delek Rinpoche’s release have been arrested, along with 90 people detained on 5- 6 December in Nyakchu, for a total of 150 arrested over this protest.

On 7 December, some of those arrested, including some women, sustained serious injuries from police torture. Sources report that 1,500 - 2,000 Tibetans from different areas are still arriving at the site of the protest in Nyakchu county, eastern Tibet, said, Nyima Wangchuk, a monk, who is from Nyakchu District now living in Dharamshala,

Mr Gyata Trinley, from Golok area, Nyakchu district, Lithang County, and another man named Lobsang Jamchok from Lithang County, who lead the group of 60 to Chendu, the capital of Chinese Sichuan Province from 5 December to appeal to the Chinese court, representing the people from those areas in Lithang County, eastern Tibet have been arrested yesterday among 54. Four Tibetan women, Dechen Dolma, Yudon and Dolkar Lhamo from Medthama, Wangmo or Tsetse from Trokho who are from the same group still detained in Chengdu. They remained in Chendu for two days, but their efforts did not succeed, and on the 8th they were arrested and returned to Nyakchu District Town in seven armored vehicles.

Earlier, on the 6th and 7th, 90 people were arrested, and as The Tibet Post has reported 9 people, reported some of their new names have just been revealed 3 women and 3 men. These are Lhakyi, Ashi, Bumo, Lobsang Dhondup, Aka Dorjee, and Yigam. When they were detained, their clothes and jewelry were confiscated and thrown on the ground. Chinese firemen and vehicles washed the blood off the street with hoses after the protesters were brutally beaten.

The protesters’ motorcycles were also taken away and carted off in a truck. International law does not permit the beating and torture of women, but the Chinese have violated those laws during these past few days.