Dharamshala – China stated that it has eliminated more than 100 organisations in 2022 under the so-called "Sweep Out the Black and Eliminate the Evil" policy, claiming that these organizations are black and evil. This is a government policy to destroy groups and individuals who do not conform to the CCP's ideas. This action is a serious violation of people's basic rights.

Dharamshala, India – A Tibetan monk who studied in India and returned home, where he gave teachings to the local population and helped people a lot, but recently he died mysteriously in Lithang prison after being arrested almost a year ago by the Chinese authorities.

Dharamshala – Chinese authorities in Tibet published a political patriotic re-education book for Tibetans, in particular for the monks and nuns in eastern Tibet, to propagate about the development of Tibetan regions and to educate them the patriotic education, in an effort to put an end to future uprisings.

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