Dharamshala — The Chinese Education Bureau has announced ban on Tibetan language classes in primary and secondary schools in so called Kardze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, which comprises 18 counties, in the Kham region of eastern Tibet. The students completing this academic year will be the last to have studied the Tibetan language in Kardze prefecture. This ban violates the fundamental rights of young Tibetans to learn their mother tongue.

Dharamshala — Chinese authorities stepped up their warnings and strict controls on Tibetans ahead of the 74th anniversary of the founding of the PRC. The Chinese authorities in Lhoka, in southern Tibet, announced the expulsion of three Tibetan officials from their office for violating so called "The Eight-point Regulation of the Centre", intended to warn Tibetans not to engage in any activity that goes against the Chinese government.

Dharamshala — A Tibetan man from Ngaba in eastern Tibet has been sentenced to two years in prison by the Chinese government for allegedly contacting Tibetans abroad and posting photos of His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet in exile, on a social media app. Under China's repressive policies towards the people of Tibet, it is illegal in Tibet to contact family members abroad or have photos of their spiritual leader (who lives in exile).

Dharamshala, India — The Chinese authorities attempt to restrict Tibetans' access to Gungthang Rinpoche's Kalachakra teachings in a notice. This notice states that the Kalachakra has not been organised for monks and laypeople from other regions inside and outside the town of Dzoghe and orders Tibetans from other regions to go back. Traditionally, the Buddhist teaching of the Kalachakra is open and accessible to all Tibetans. The imposition of restrictions on it is a violation of freedom of religion.

Dharamshala — Chinese Ministry of Education announces heavy penalties for individuals and organisations providing private tuition to pre-school children and primary and secondary school students. These measures will come into force on October 15, 2023. The Chinese government has once again tightened restrictions on freedom of education and individual freedom.

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