Dharamshala — Chinese authorities have sentenced a Tibetan singer from Pema county, eastern Tibet, to three years' imprisonment allegedly for singing a patriotic song about Tibet on a social media platform. After disappearing for months, the Pema County Police informed his family that he had been imprisoned for three years and was currently serving his sentence in the Pema County Prison, without providing any documentation about the reasons for his imprisonment. 

Dharamshala — Chinese authorities in Dingri County, southern Tibet, arrested four Tibetan monks for allegedly organising prayers for His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the exiled spiritual leader of Tibet. The Chinese authorities forced the people and leaders to write a letter promising that they will not recite prayers for the Dalai Lama in the monastery or any other public place.

London — Free Tibet, a human rights group is launching a campaign to call on the Chinese government to release Lhundrub Drakpa, a popular Tibetan singer from Driru County in Nagchu, central Tibet. He was sentenced to six years in prison in 2020, for his song called "Black Hat", which criticises the CCP's repressive policies towards Tibetans. British MPs from across the political spectrum showed their solidarity at the latest meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Tibet.

Lhokha — Chinese authorities in Lhokha, southern Tibet, adopted new methods to teach CCP political education, patriotic education and President Xi Jinping's thoughts in Chinese to Tibetan monks in Tibetan monasteries in the Lhokha region to replace Tibetan. From this year onwards, they will intensify the propagation of the "four consciousnesses” of CCP among the general public and particularly monks in Tibet.

Tibetan children in a Chinese government-run school in occupied Tibet. (Photo:file)

Dharamshala — China's Ministry of Education announces a new law entitled <<The Patriotic Education Law of the People's Republic of China>>, which was passed on October 24, 2023 and will come into effect on January 1, 2024. It states that "while ensuring the patriotic education to all citizens, it emphasizes the education of youth and children at school and at home."

Dharamshala — Chinese authorities in Darlak county, eastern Tibet, detained eight Tibetans who were collecting donations for religious offerings. They have also announced a reward for reporting Tibetans' religious activities and other such actions, which the Chinese authorities consider illegal. This is a violation of the religious freedom of Tibetans in occupied Tibet.

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