Chinese authorities from WeChat indiscriminately took down a Tibetan-language blog, The Great Sheepfold (Lugtsang Palyon), on April 2, 2024. Photo: TPI

Dharamshala –Chinese authorities from WeChat company have indiscriminately shut down the "Great Sheep-fold," a popular blog in the Tibetan language on WeChat, which contained over 10,000 pieces directly related to the cultural heritage and humanistic literature of Tibet.

Dharamshala — Chinese authorities arrested a Tibetan monk from Kirti monastery in eastern Tibet, who protested against the Chinese government's oppressive policy in Tibet and called for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to Tibet and for religious freedom in Tibet. He disappeared after his arrest.

Dharamshala – Chinese authorities arrested a well-educated young Tibetan monk and writer from Nyakchu County, in eastern Tibet, in September 2023 for possessing a photo of Tibet's spiritual leader, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and several e-books in his phone. His 53-year-old mother is very worried about him and her health is deteriorating; she has been admitted to hospital.

Dharamshala – Hundreds of Tibetans asked and begged the Chinese authorities to halt the construction of the Kamtok dam on the Drichu River in the Gege region. That way, they would not have to relocate their centuries-old monasteries and beloved homes. However, instead of listening to the Tibetans, the Chinese police and army arrested hundreds of Tibetans and severely beat them.

Dharamshala – A large number of Tibetans in Dege County protested against China's construction of the largest hydroelectric power station and the Chinese authorities' order to forcibly resettle them. They asked the authorities not to force them to resettle and not to build the reservoir without the consent of the local Tibetans. The station will not only destroy the Tibetan homes where their ancestors lived, but also damage the local environment.

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