Dharamshala -- The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile based in Dharamshala expressed its condolences and solidarity with Tulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche who died in a Chinese prison on Sunday, 12 July.

"We are deeply saddened by the untimely death of Tulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche. The Chinese government has repeatedly violated all universal human rights in Tibet," the Parliament said in a statement.

The Parliament also urged the Chinese government to return the body of Tulku Tenzin Delek Rinpoche to his family members and disciples, to allow them to arrange for his last rites according to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition.

Dharamshala — Mr. Thuten Kesang, a Tibetan born resident of New Zealand has received the prestigious Peace Award from the Peace Foundation in Auckland, New Zealand.

"This award to Mr. Kesang is to commemorate his lifelong commitment to the principles of peace by standing up for human rights and through work in multicultural education," stated the He is also a recipient of 'Unsung Heroes of Compassion' award presented by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in 2009.

The first Tibetan to arrive and settle in New Zealand in 1967 , Kensang has been his fellow Tibetan refugees ever since, according to media report.

Kensang has been actively spreading the awareness for the need for aid to Tibetan children. He has remained the founding chairman of Friends of Tibet (New Zealand), an organization that educates New Zealanders about the plight of the Tibetans, raises funds to educate exiled Tibetan children in India, and provides support to ex-political prisoners who have escaped from Tibet to India.

He has also served as President of the Auckland Multicultural Society.

Paris – On June 20th, 2015, the municipality of Coulaures in southwest France became the 65th French municipality to participate in a campaign "adopting" Tibetan towns and villages.

The "adoption" campaign is spearheaded by the Association France-Tibet, one of the largest Tibet support Groups in France, and aims to garner grass-root political support for the Tibet cause, and to preserve the Tibetan cultural heritage in the face of massive and systematic elimination of the Tibetan culture within Tibet..

The event was organised by the Mayor Mrs Corinne Ducrocq and the members of the municipal council. In her opening address, the Mayor underlined the purpose of her municipality's participation in the campaign amidst growing silence of the international community, to support the rightful freedom of the Tibetan people and their basic human rights, and justice in the face of increasing political repression and cultural onslaught in Tibet.

The Secretary of the Bureau du Tibet based in Paris, Mr Tsering Dhondup attended the inaugural function and thanked the people and municipality of Coulaures for the unconditional support for the Tibetan people.

A plaque which was unveiled on the day, declaring the "adoption" will be installed at the entrance and the exit points of the town.

Dharamshala  – Hundreds of well-wishers, including Tibetans, Indians and foreigners  lined up the streets of the Himalayan hill town of Dharamshala to give a warm and hearty welcome to His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama returned from Australia, after completing a series of public talks, Buddhist teachings and an interfaith meeting in the country.

On his arrival at Gaggal Airport in Kangra Distric,  His Holiness was received by Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay, Mr Penpa Tsering and Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament, including other top officials and representatives of Tibetan non-governmental organisations.

Dharamshala -- Tibetan Parliamentarians visited the Tibetan settlements in northeast India from 10 – 29 May as part of the Tibetan Parliament's efforts to reach out to the Tibetan public.

Mr Pema Jungney and Mr Dawa Phunkyi visited the Tibetan settlements of Gangtok, Ravangla, Salugara and Kalimpong in northeast India from 10 – 29 May, said a report by Tibetan administration media.

During their visit, the delegation met the heads of various Tibetan organisations in the area and gave public addresses to members of the local Tibetan community, it said.

Report said the delegates spoke about "the evolution of Tibetan democracy, the Middle Way Approach of the Tibetan administration to resolve the Tibet issue, the structure of the Central Tibetan Administration, followed by question/answer sessions."

"The duo promised co-operation and assistance of the Tibetan Parliament towards the grievances and suggestions expressed by the public during their interaction," it further added.

Dharamshala - -Thirty eight teams from five countries will take part in the 21st Gyalyum Chenmo Memorial Gold Cup (GCMGC) football tournament from May 30 to June 10 at the grounds of the Upper TCV School in Dharamshala.

Registered to compete are teams from the USA, Canada, Europe, Nepal and India. The Gold Cup will be played initially in a group stage followed by multiple knockout rounds.

The opening ceremony will take place in the morning of May 30. Chief Guest Mr Sudhir Sharma, Member of the Legislative Assembly (MLA), will be Chief Guest and Mr Penpa Tsering, Speaker of the Assembly of Tibetan People's Deputies (ATPD), will be Special Guest. Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay will be the Chief Guest during the closing ceremony on June 10.

The Gold Cup was inaugurated in 1981 in honour of the late mother of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. This year's tournament is organised under the chairmanship of Mr Sonam Dorjee, Tibetan Settlement Officer.

Dharamshala — Upon Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's return from his upcoming visit to China, he will "surely meet" His Holiness the Dalai Lama, says a senior leader in the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

This will be the first meeting between the two leaders since Narendra Modi became Prime Minister in May 2014.

This follows the cancellation of a scheduled meeting between His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the BJP President Amit Shah after a message from the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) told him that a meeting days before Modi's visit to China would be "highly inappropriate".

The original meeting was scheduled to take place on May 2 in Dharamshala, but "the meeting, had it taken place, would have sent negative signals to the Chinese," according to the BJP source.

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