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65th French Municipality adopts Tibetan town

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Paris – On June 20th, 2015, the municipality of Coulaures in southwest France became the 65th French municipality to participate in a campaign "adopting" Tibetan towns and villages.

The "adoption" campaign is spearheaded by the Association France-Tibet, one of the largest Tibet support Groups in France, and aims to garner grass-root political support for the Tibet cause, and to preserve the Tibetan cultural heritage in the face of massive and systematic elimination of the Tibetan culture within Tibet..

The event was organised by the Mayor Mrs Corinne Ducrocq and the members of the municipal council. In her opening address, the Mayor underlined the purpose of her municipality's participation in the campaign amidst growing silence of the international community, to support the rightful freedom of the Tibetan people and their basic human rights, and justice in the face of increasing political repression and cultural onslaught in Tibet.

The Secretary of the Bureau du Tibet based in Paris, Mr Tsering Dhondup attended the inaugural function and thanked the people and municipality of Coulaures for the unconditional support for the Tibetan people.

A plaque which was unveiled on the day, declaring the "adoption" will be installed at the entrance and the exit points of the town.