Dharamshala —The state government of Delhi sanctioned INR 1 Crore 38 Lacs on November 23rd as relief for the Tibetan sweater sellers who have been affected by a major fire accident at Lal Qila Tibetan refugee market in Delhi on November 8th. The fire gutted all the 138 Tibetan shops in the market, causing extensive financial loss as well as emotional distress to the shopkeepers.

According to CTA report, the relief amount was sanctioned by the state government following an appeal by the Bureau of His Holiness the Dalai Lama based in New Delhi and the Tibetan settlement officer based in Majnukatilla.

The Department of Home, Central Tibetan Administration expressed its profound gratitude to the state government on behalf of the affected families for the state government's timely gesture of solidarity.

The relief fund is being released by Disaster Management under the state government of Delhi. It will be distributed among the 138 owners of the shops in Lal Quila market with each family getting 100,000 Indian rupees.

New Delhi — A fire blazed through Meena Bazar near Red fort in Delhi, the capital of India, late Monday night, destroying more than 100 Tibetan stalls in the process.

The fire which was reported at 1:00 a.m, on November 9, 2016, to the fire brigade. 14 fire engines arrived on scene and the situation was eventually controlled.

The market is known for its winter wear and is set up for a period of 3-4 months, and this trade has been going on for quite a few years. The fire has destroyed goods worth lakhs of rupees and left the shopkeepers with huge losses.

The head of the Tibetan Colony in a video clip spoke about the damage as saying, "140 families from all over India come here to set up their shops and earn for a period of 3-4 months. The fire has driven us to huge losses and the money we used to set up these shops were taken on loan."

"We appeal to the Delhi Government and CM Arvind Kejriwal to assist us during these times and help us set up the shops again before winter approaches," he added.

The causes of the fire and casualties are still unknown.

Dharamshala — Shri Shanta Kumar, former Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh and current BJP member of Parliament has appealed the central government to honor His Holiness the Dalai Lama with Bharat Ratna, the country's highest civilian honor.

Noting the Nobel Laureate's significant work for humanity, Kumar said, "the Dalai Lama is spreading the message of peace through Buddhism in the world, and I demand the Government of India to honor the spiritual leader with the Bharat Ratna."

Bharat Ratna is the highest civilian award of India. Originally instituted in 1954, the award is conferred in recognition of exceptional service. Originally limited to achievements in the arts, literature, science, and public services, the government later expanded the criteria to include any field of human endeavor. The recommendations for the Bharat Ratna are made by the Prime Minister to the President.

The MP made his comments during a book launch, held in the Main Temple of His Holiness in Mcleod Ganj. During the launch, the Tibetan leader released three books-- 'Red Shadow on Himalaya' by Kumar, 'If Autumn Comes' by Kumar's wife Santosh Shailza, and 'Self Reliance leader Shanta Kumar' by Hem Raj.

Dharamshala  — Mr Sonam Norbu Dagpo, Secretary of the Department of Information and International Relations, has been appointed as the official spokesperson of the Central Tibetan Administration, according to a circular issued by the Kashag Secretariat.

The appointment is effective from October 3rd, 2016.

With over 25 years of experience, Secretary Sonam Norbu Dagpo is one of the senior most secretaries in the Central Tibetan Administration. During his long and accomplished career, he has undertaken various prominent roles in the Central Tibetan Administration including as Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Australia and as member of the Tibetan delegation that met Chinese representatives to resolve the issue of Tibet.


Dharamshala — Tibet Charity, a local nonprofit in Dharamshala, observed the 10th World Rabies Day today, September 28, in a local and international effort to eliminate the rabies disease.

In an effort to promote awareness and prevention, Tibet Charity held the event at the Tibet Welfare Society, and attending were over 80 locals, including special guests Danyi Tsegyal, Secretary of the Tibetan Department of Health, and Indian representative Dr. Ajay, assistant Director of the Animal Husbandry Department.

Rabies is a viral infection that is almost always fatal, and the worst rabies cases are within India and Africa.

As prevention is key to eliminating the disease, Tibet Charity gives free rabies vaccines to dogs at their facility.

Ravangla, Sikkim — Over 50 Tibetan co-operators including Chairmen and Secretaries of 15 co-operatives, managers and staff of Federation of Tibetan Cooperatives in India Ltd., met on Wednesday for the 16th Annual Conference of Tibetan cooperatives in India.

Sonam Topgyal Khorlatsang, Home Kalon, CTA presided over as a Chief Guest to mark the opening of the conference. Other notable guests and speakers included, Gyari Dolma, former Home Kalon. Also present were Shri Pema Dorjee (DRCS) Ravangla and Shri C K Rai (ARCS) Ravangla, Local Assembly Chairmen, Gangtok & Ravangala Settlement Officer, local BRDL representatives, representative of monasteries, leaders of various NGOs and camp leaders.

Organized by FTCI and coordinated by Ravangala Co-operative Society from 7th September to 8th September, the 3-day conference is focused on achieving sustainability of Tibetan settlements in general and productive cooperative activities in particular. For more information about the conference, please visit Tibet Digital Times

Strasbourg – The spiritual leader of Tibet His Holiness the Dalai Lama has reached France after a gap of 5 years where he will also address the Council of Europe, a statement issued said Wednesday.

The Nobel peace laureate arrived in Paris on Monday for a six-day visit that will take him to the European Parliament and Paris. The visit, his first in five years, will be spent largely in Strasbourg.

"His Holiness the Dalai Lama will pay a visit to the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, on Thursday, 15 September, where he will meet Secretary General Thorbjørn Jagland, President of the Parliamentary Assembly Pedro Agramunt and Commissioner for Human Rights Nils Muižnieks," the Council of Europe said.

"His Holiness the Dalai Lama will deliver an address (Palais de l'Europe, 10.45 am) to the diplomatic community and representatives of Council of Europe bodies, focusing on the development of compassion and ethical awareness in a secular world," the Council added.

It will also be possible to follow the event live on the Council of Europe website.

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