Tibetan film festival concludes in Dharamshala

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14june20091Dharamshala: Sunday concluded the three day Tibetan film festival in Dharamshala, northern India where Tibetan government in exile based for past 50 years.  The event was organized by the Delhi-based The Foundation for Universal Responsibility of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in collaboration with Department of Information and International Relations, Central Tibetan Administration.  The collection of films represent multiple aspects of Tibetan culture, religion, and the political situation inside of Tibet.

Tibet Institute for Performing arts, (TIPA) hosted the festival and made it possible for people to attend the films free of charge.

Spokesman from Foundation for Universal responsibility of His Holiness the Dalai Lama said, “The film festival has traveled around India and abroad, this program will go to places in India like Chennai, Bombay, Hyderabad, Gantok, and Darjeeling.  The festival will also travel abroad to places like South Africa and Canada. “

He explained further, “the 17 films that comprise this festival fit into three categories, Tibet in Exile Tibetan Buddhism, and the Life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.”

Kesang Yangkyi Takla, Minister (Kalon) for the Department of Information and International Relations addressed the crowd at the festivals opening.  She thanked people for attending and taking advantage of such a good opportunity to see the films free of cost.

She said; “We would want you to be in Tibet and learn about our life and culture from that, but now since we have been in exile for 50 years we must depend on the documentaries that you will see here in the next 3 days.  We ask you to be a responsible human being and speak up for the truth which is on our side.”