Washingtong DC — CECC released 2023 Annual Report on human rights conditions and rule of law developments in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) on May 10, 2024. The report states, "During the 2023 reporting year, Tibet remained one of the most closed-off areas in the world, with tight restrictions on communications into and out of the region. Chinese authorities continued to restrict contact between Tibetans in Tibetan areas of China and individuals or groups abroad, including by punishing or threatening to punish those found to have contact with Tibetans in exile."

Budapest – Tibetan activists protested against the Chinese President Xi Jinping when he arrived in the Hungarian capital, Budapest, on Thursday. The Tibetan activists and their allies were violently attacked and their banner torn in two by supporters of the Chinese government, but the Hungarian police refused to take any action against them, and instead chose to move the Tibetan protesters.

Zurich — The Sikyong ( President) of the Central Tibetan Administration, the Tibetan government in exile, said: ‘Negotiation is the only way to resolve the conflict between Tibet and China, and the Central Tibetan Administration will continue to appeal the government and the international community to urge the Chinese government to resume dialogue between representatives of Tibet and China.

Paris – Tibetan activists from Students for a Free Tibet protested against Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Europe. They call on President Macron and all European leaders to take a firm stand against China's human rights violations, genocidal policies and illegal occupation of Tibet by China, and put pressure on Xi to resume dialogue between Tibet and China.

Washington, D.C. – President Joe Biden presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the United States‘highest civilian honour, to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker Emeritus of the House of Representatives, for her staunch defence of democracy and for shaping the Democrats’ legislative agenda and priorities for decades.

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