Auckland — Tibetans and Tibet supporters have strongly protested against Chinese Premier Li Qiang's visit to Wellington and Auckland in New Zealand and called on the Chinese government to respect human rights and demand freedom in Tibet. During the peaceful protests, Tibetans were subjected to physical violence and harassment by pro-Chinese government individuals, which represents Chinese transnational repression in the free world.

Washington, D.C — A group of Tibetans serving various organizations, including the Sikyong of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA), were among the recipients of the 2024 Democracy Award from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). They were honored for their efforts in defending democracy and human rights, as well as for exposing the Chinese Communist Party's attempts to erase Tibetan identity.

Dharamshala — His Holiness the Dalai Lama has written to Claudia Sheinbaum to congratulate her on being the first woman to be elected president of Mexico in 200 years of Mexico History. His Holiness said, "I have long been a proponent of women's leadership, and it is a source of great inspiration. It is my firm conviction that if more of our leaders were women, the world would be a more understanding, peaceful place."

Washington DC — The US House of Representatives has unanimously passed the Resolve Tibet Act with 391 votes in favour. The House approved the amended legislation and sent it to President Biden for his signature, and it will become law if signed by the President. The bill stresses the need for dialogue between representatives of China and Tibet to resolve the Tibet-China dispute peacefully.

Dharamshala — A coalition of over 146 Tibetan rights groups and more than 17,400 Tibet supporters have written to the G7 leaders to urge them to take immediate action against China for its ongoing crackdown on the human rights of Tibetans inside Tibet and its attempts to erase the distinct identity of Tibet.

Ottawa — The Canadian House of Commons has unanimously passed a motion in support of Tibet's right to self-determination, affirming that Tibetans have this fundamental right as a people and a nation. The motion recognises that China has a policy of systematic cultural assimilation against Tibetans, and prohibits China from interfering in the selection of the reincarnation of His Holiness the Dalai Lama.

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