Experts of Taiwan, Tibet and other countries meet to discuss China and the changing world order

《China and the changing world order: prospects and challenges》meeting at CTA's Sikyong Hall in Dharamshala on June 8, 2023. Photo: TPI

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Dharamshala, India – Scholars and experts from Taiwan, Mongolia, East Turkestan, Hong Kong and Tibet gathered at CTA's Sikyong Hall in Dharamshala on June 8, 2023 for a three-day conference on 《China and the changing world order: prospects and challenges》and will discuss how to find common ground and ways to confront China and let the world know the true face of China.

The Tibet Policy Institute (TPI) of the Department of Information and International Relations (DIIR) of the Central Tibetan Administration (CTA) organised a three-day meeting entitled 《China and the changing world order: prospects and challenges》, in Dharamshala, from June 8 to 10, 2023. Scholars and experts from Taiwan, Mongolia, East Turkestan, Hong Kong and Tibet attended the meeting and will discuss relations between the Dalai Lamas and the Ming, Qing, Kumingtang and the people of the Republic of China, people-to-people relations, prospects and challenges of China, and the changing international order.

The TPI held an inaugural session for the meeting in Sikyong Hall, T-building, Gangkyi, CTA, on June 8, 2023. Sikyong Penpa Tsering from CTA, Director Dawa Tsering from TPI, Xia Ming from China, Lee Yeau Taran from Taiwan, Davlet Tashken from East Turkistan, Buteegch Wangcheng from Mongolia, Edward Chin from Hong Kong, as well as other researchers, experts and representatives from Taiwan, Hong Kong, Mongolia and East Turkistan, members of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile and CTA staff and officials attended the event.

The meeting featured talks and presentations: The relationship between the Dalai Lamas and the Ming, Qing, Kuomintang and the people of the Republic of China, The establishment of detention system and political incarceration under ruthless political power, The importance of People-to-people relationship in Tibet-China conflict, Significance of forging collective alliance in our time, the status of freedom in Tibet and Taiwan and China's increasing influence, Tibet under oppressive PRC's rule, International Cooperation in Taiwan's Integrated Defense concept.

Sikyong addressed the gathering and welcomed all participants to Dharamshala, inviting them to experience the CTA's democratic systems. Sikyong spoke of China as a common “opponent" to all, and stressed the need for these allied groups to work together.

He acknowledged the contribution of His Holiness the Dalai Lama to the Tibetan freedom movement and explained that his leadership had been of great help in maintaining the unity of the diaspora.

He emphasised on the need of transparency and communication between the allies standing against repressive Chinese policies. “Now we have to develop strategy” he said.

We have to face up to China as it has become today, due to the support of developed countries like the United States and European countries, as well as other countries and people. Addressing developed countries, he said: "You have to decide whether you want to make the dragon stronger or more responsible".

In his closing remarks, he reiterated the need for broad representation and inclusion of as many people as possible, as well as collaboration to establish the "common ground" that everyone is striving to achieve. He called on everyone to take advantage of the three-day conference to find pragmatic solutions and action plans to counter China's threats.