Tibetan leaders met top diplomats of 17 countries in New Delhi and raised the Tibet issue with them

Sikyong Penpa Tsering and the members of the Tibetan Parliament’s Standing Committee with the diplomats of the US Embassy. Photo: CTA

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New Delhi – Tibetan leaders from the Central Tibetan Administration held a series of meetings with ambassadors or deputy ambassadors from at least 17 countries, including the USA, the Czech Republic, Lithuania and Taiwan. They discussed human rights violations committed in Tibet by the Chinese authorities, and urged top officials to put pressure on China to resolve the issue of Tibet and China.

As part of a three-day joint diplomatic initiative by the Kashag (Cabinet) and the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile of the Central Tibetan Administration, from June 5 to 7, 2023, divided into three groups, one led by Sikyong (President) Penpa Tsering, the second by Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel and the third by Kalon(Minister) Norzin Dolma of Department of Information and International Relations of CTA, they visited the Embassies of 17 countries and met with ambassadors or deputy ambassadors from at least 17 countries of America, Europe, Asia as well as other countries.

They submitted letters of appeal to the ambassadors or deputy ambassadors and discussed the critical human rights situation in Tibet, including freedom of religion and the environment. They discussed the situation in China under Xijinping and also mentioned that the issue of Tibet and China could be resolved through the Middle Way Approach. They urged senior officials, through their governments or countries, to put pressure on China to resolve the issue of Tibet and China.

"We discussed the critical human rights situation in Tibet, including freedom of religion and the environment. We also raised the issue of Tibet and China, which could be resolved through the Middle Way Approach. We urged top officials, through their governments or countries, to put pressure on China to resolve the issue of Tibet and China," said Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, addressing the press on the sidelines of the meetings.

The Speaker said, "the ambassadors, deputy ambassadors and officials commended the Tibetan delegates for their joint efforts and assured that they would inform their respective governments of the proposals; at the same time, they assured their continued support in resolving the conflict between Tibet and China".

"This joint advocacy of CTA was extremely successful in engaging with top diplomats of the world’s leading powers and garnering support for the Tibet issue, "the speaker concluded.

The delegation also visited the Indian Parliament and the headquarters of Indian political parties. It also met Indian MPs to discuss issues relating to Tibet and the Tibetan people.

The Tibetan delegation consisted of Sikyong Penpa Tsering, Speaker Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, Kalon Norzin Dolma (Minister), and members of the Standing Committee of Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, viz. MP Tenpa Yarphel, MP Khenpo Kada Ngodup Sonam, MP Geshe Lharampa Gowo Lobsang Phende, MP Dorjee Tseten, MP Tsering Lhamo, MP Geshe Atong Rinchen Gyaltsen, MP Tsering Yangchen, MP Phurpa Dorjee Gyaldhong and MP Lobsang Thupten. The delegation also included the Department of Information and International Relations Secretary Karma Choeying.