Parliamentarians of Baltic States call for meaningful dialogue on Tibet

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Tibet-India-Dharamshala-Uprising-2016Tallinn, Estonia, March 10, 2016 — As Tibetans across the world mark the anniversary of Tibetan National Uprising Day, over 20 Tibet supporters, include writer, members of parliament, activists and human rights defenders from Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania have strongly condemned the repressive policies of the Chinese government in Tibet.

"We, the undersigned Members of Parliament of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania – together with Tibetan supporters from the three Baltic States are deeply concerned and distraught over the long-lasting wave of self-immolation protests in- and outside Tibet," said a joint statement by members of parliament and Tibetan supporters of the Baltic states.

"Since 2009, at least 143 Tibetans have resorted to self-immolation to express their grievances under the repressive policies of the Chinese government," it said, adding: "Such desperate and frequent protests indicate clearly that there is an inhuman pressure on the Tibetan nation and that their human, cultural and religious rights are under unbearable assault."

"We were shocked by the recent Tibetan self-immolation protests which resulted in the deaths of Kalsang Wangdue and a 16-year-old student Dorjee Tsering on February 29, 2016 and the death of the Tibetan artist Dubey on February 27, 2016 after they had set themselves ablaze," the statement said.

According to a number of independent reports over the past 57 years there has been no real improvement in the human rights situation in Tibet under the Chinese rule.

"Therefore, we are calling upon the Chinese government to begin an immediate and meaningful dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Central Tibetan Administration, both of whom embrace meaningful autonomy for Tibet within the People's Republic of China," they further stated.

As the Sikyong (elected political leader of the Tibetan people) has said in his Statement of March 10th this year: "We the Kashag of the Central Tibetan Administration firmly believe that the longstanding issue of Tibet can be resolved through dialogue between the envoys of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and representatives of the Chinese government. We remain fully committed to the Middle Way Approach, which clearly seeks genuine autonomy for the Tibetan people within China. It is hoped the leaders in Beijing will see reason with the Middle Way Approach, instead of distorting it, and step forward to engage in dialogue with His Holiness the Dalai Lama's envoys".

"We, the undersigned Members of Parliament and Baltic Tibetan supporters, are available and willing to assist resumption of a meaningful dialogue between the Chinese government and Tibetan leadership in-exile to help find a peaceful and sustainable solution for the Chinese and Tibetan nations in Tibet," they added.

"Estonians, Latvians and Lithuanians share a similar history and fate with Tibetans, regarding their cultural, social and political struggle," they said, added: "We have the motivation and experience to facilitate the Chinese-Tibetan dialogue."

"We are also calling upon the international community, in particular, the Governments and Parliaments of the Member States of the European Union as well as The High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, to take all possible peaceful steps to encourage dialogue and seek for a feasible solution for Tibetan nation within China," they continued.

In the statement, they said they "strongly condemn the repressive policies of the Chinese government in Tibet and urge the Chinese leadership to investigate the causes of Tibetan grievances."

As far as the self-immolation protests against Chinese Rule in Tibet concerned, they concluded by saying: "At same time, we are calling on all Tibetans to stop self-immolations as a form of protest and to refrain from such drastic actions for the sake of their freedom, national interests and for promoting Tibetan cause. Tibetan brothers and sisters, we have seen your desperate sorrow and pain. You are visible enough in our hearts and eyes without any further flames."