20th Anniversary of “Raise your Flag for Tibet” Campaign in Germany

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Tibet-Flag-Germany-2016Berlin, March 10, 2016 — Today protests in support of human rights in Tibet are taking place in more than 20 German cities. The demonstrations and vigils are part of the campaign "Raise your Flag for Tibet" organized by Tibet Initiative Deutschland (TID).

Moreover, hundreds of cities, municipalities and administrative districts throughout Germany are raising the Tibetan flag on public buildings in solidarity with the Tibetans in Tibet. In Berlin, TID and the Association of Tibetans in Germany (VTD) are organizing a demonstration in front of the Chinese Embassy. Worldwide thousands of Tibetans and Tibet supporters will show their solidarity with Tibet.

"The flag campaign started in 1996 with 21 participants and since then more than 1000 cities participated. This year the Tibetan flag will fly in more than 400 cities. They are sending a strong signal of solidarity to the Tibetan people, emphasizing the urgent need for political support to end the violence and oppression", said Nadine Baumann, Executive Director of TID.

"Especially in times of many violent conflicts all over the world and after more than 60 years of brutal suppression, Tibetans are still peaceful in their resistance and are thus giving an example to the world."

The campaign is run under the patronage of the mayor of Bamberg, Mr. Andreas Starke (SPD/Social Democrats), and supported by top-ranking German politicians such as Ms. Claudia Roth (Alliance 90/The Greens), Vice president of the German Bundestag.

In 1996, TID established the campaign "Raise your flag for Tibet„. This campaign calls on German towns and cities on the occasion of March 10th, in commemoration of the Tibetan National uprising of 1959, to fly the Tibetan flag at their town halls and public buildings. By doing so, the participating mayors strongly affirm the Tibetan people's right to self-determination, and the need to protect human rights as well as the Tibetan culture, religion and identity in Tibet. They do so on behalf of thousands of German citizens.