Tibetans In Med-Dho Village Of Tibet Forced From Home

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23august2012-005Dharamshala: Several years ago, the Chinese officials in Med-Dho Village in Gojong County, eastern Tibet have ordered local people-nomads- to move away. This order has been issued a couple of times in the past; however, it was ignored by people who refused to leave their homes.

On 16th August of this year, the Chinese officials have arrived to Med-Dho Village and once again ordered locals to leave. To make sure that the order will be followed this time, the authorities registered the details of the local people. A total number of 400 nomad families were forced to leave their partially permanent living places.

On that note, all families requested that if they were to move, the 3 monasteries that are in the town, Reke, Dhakmar, Gonsar, would be built in a new place in a better condition than the ones present.

Local people and officials have guessed that the reason behind this forced families movement is the government's plan to build a dam on the river Drichu. Somebody even assumed that the Chinese want to extract minerals which would mean that mining works would be established in Med-Dho Village.

Nomads were not informed of the actual reasons for moving away or where they should reside. This created a confusion and anxiousness between people.

Another Tibetan has 'vanished'

Recently, Tsering Wanggyal, a Tibetan businessman, was arrested by the Chinese police and was reported that he has 'disappeared'.

It has been reported that Tsering was already arrested at the beginning of this year, after the protest broke for three days (15-18 March) in Ba County, Amdo region. After the investigation of Tsering's participation in this uprising, he was set free to go.

However, the reason for his current detention or whereabouts stays unknown to his wife Rigsum Tso and other family members.