China Sends Home Severely Tortured Tibetan Protestors

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22august2012-002Dharamshala: - In March 2012, Tibetans from Ba County of Amdo region in north-eastern Tibet (Chinese: Qinghai province) organized a protest against China's policies towards Tibetans. However, to break up this peaceful demonstration, Chinese police threw a bomb in the crowd. This resulted in many getting injured and then rushed to the nearest hospital.

Recent reports from other news agencies suggest that due to the deteriorating physical condition of some of the victims, they were sent home.

On March 14, hundreds of Tibetans from Ba County gathered in town to protest China's occupation of Tibet. They carried the Tibetan flag bearing the snow loin, as they shouted out slogans for a "Free Tibet". Soon after it began, Chinese police arrested 50 monks that were part of the protest.

In response to this, on March 15, many local Tibetans gathered in front of the county court to protest against the authorities' actions. As the protest continued three days later, about 300 Tibetans gathered in front of the county government's offices. They demanded that the authorities release the arrested monks. However, the police responded to their demands my throwing explosives amongst the demonstrators.

A source from Ba County, currently residing in south India shared that during the incident a twelve year old child was killed and many that were injured were sent to hospital.

He also added that a Tibetan who was sent to hospital to receive treatment was asked to go back home by authorities.

"The Tibetan, Gyari Thar, was one of the most severely injured and was in a critical condition. However, he was sent home by the authorities. So far he is neither active nor can speak and his family is very worried as he now eats through a feeding tube inserted in his throat. "

The source told news agencies that his condition is deteriorating with the passing of each day.

In order to compensate for their actions, Ba County authorities took a decision to pay 250,000 yuan to   Gyari Thar's family, as well as, give them a 120 square meter house. The government also paid for all his medical expenses.

However in the last few months, he hasn't responded to any treatment and his condition continues to worsen. He is now being fed through a tube in his throat. It is highly improbable that he is going to survive.

In another incident, the Tibetan Ministry reported that in 2008, eleven Dege Monastery monks were accused and then arrested for organizing a protest and distributing leaflets about Tibetan independence. They were given varying sentences to service in Mianyang Prison.

Two of the monks that were imprisoned were tortured severely and then released due to their extremely poor physical health.

The report quoted sources within saying, the local government released information that 30 year-old monk, Yeshi Gyaltso, was partially paralyzed and mentally unstable. Officials from Dege Monastery have thus sent him to Kangding hospital, but to no avail. He was then sent back to his hometown.

Authorities also released information about 40-year-old monk Jampa Wang Jiu. His legs and waist were seriously injured and he is critical. The monastery and the local Tibetans are fund-raising for both of them to seek better medical treatment, but their condition seems exacerbated.

Chinese police brutality cases continue to mount in Tibet. Peaceful protestors are being detained in prison for disrupting "national security" and "committing act of terrorism". They are then physically and mentally tortured severely till they become vegetables and then are sent home.