Dhasa: The newly elected British Conservative Government has been heavily criticized by the Chinese media for its about-turn change in attitude on the issue of Tibet. British Foreign Secretary, William Hague, raised his concerns over human rights abuses targeted at the Tibetan population at a meeting with his Chinese counterpart, Yang Jiechi, in Beijing on 14th July. Chinese newspaper China Daily have warned that ‘raising the Tibet issue to upset the Chinese government is a lose-lose strategy' and that ‘the British side will have to pay a dear price for this.'
Hague's predecessor, David Miliband, of the Labour Government publicly supported the One China policy, regarding Tibet as part of the People's Republic of China; a stance that was held for 94 years. At the meeting earlier this month, Jiechi and other officials lectured Hague on Britain's controversial new position, arguing defensively that China's sovereignty and territorial integrity was very sensitive to the issue of Tibet and that the human rights situation is currently at its historical best.
The agenda for the meeting was to establish a political and economic alliance between Beijing and London's new coalition government; however the exchange seems to have unsettled both aspects of this relationship, the China Daily warns. They suggest, in a threatening manner, that pointing the finger and providing a stage for ‘separatists' may have dyer consequences for future Chinese-British relations.

Dhasa: In response to His Holiness the Dalai Lama's continuous request for Tibetan and Chinese people to establish a more trusting and responsive relationship, on 23rd June 1010 the Chinese and Tibetan Friendship Society of Europe was created. The organization, which is active in Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands, is headed by Tibetans and Chinese of equal numbers who now reside in these respective countries, their aim being to reestablish faith and trust between the two communities. Such a relationship is seen as vital to secure the future rights of both populations.
Following in the footsteps of similar associations around the world, the European contingent further emphasizes the potential for future peace amongst China and Tibet, which rests on the organization of joint activities and information exchange. The society plans an annual commemoration of the anniversary of the 4th June Tiananmen Square protests in Beijing (1989), as well as celebrating His Holiness the Dalai Lama's birthday, who growing numbers of Chinese now support.
CTFSE posit that the oppressive Chinese government is no longer just an issue for Tibet, but one that also affects the human rights of the Chinese population as awareness is growing amongst those with access to the truth. Access to unbiased media is increasingly difficult under the Chinese communist regime and CTFSE strive to provide access to the facts. Celebrations for both Chinese and Tibetan New Year are also on the agenda as a means to develop an appreciation and understanding of each other's cultural traditions.

Dhasa: 87 members from 35 regional chapters in India and Nepal on Friday have converged at Manali, India for a 5-day Working Committee Meeting. Chief Guest of Honor Rongchen Tenpey Donmey commenced the TWA 10th Working Committee Meeting held at Ram Park Forest Auditorium, Manali.
The first two days will be met with brief cohort on the various activities spearheaded over the past 16 months from the Working Committee Meeting, Executives from the Central and Regional chapters. Adhere to transparency and accountability principles representatives will disclose their project and financial activities and open the floor to questions from their peers. The meeting attendees will also review and evaluate the progress of resolutions tabled during the 9th General Body Meeting (GBM). The last three days of the WCM will be spent visioning and planning, discuss the agendas that the central TWA have procured and passing new resolutions to be implemented for the next 20 months of their tenure
TWA's president Kirti Dolkar Lhamo stated, "The Executive members of the regional chapters in India and Nepal has exhibited overwhelming commitments towards organizational efficiency and strength." She also lamented saying, "It is unfortunate that our eight chapters in the USA, Europe, Australia and Taiwan could not participate in this meeting, but in an inclusive effort, we will convene an online minutes with them upon our return from Manali."
The WCM will also focus on Tibetan prime ministerial election campaign. The Executive members of regional chapters of TWA have brought the sealed ballots of the mass ("Mock Election" for the Kalon Tripa, held on July 6th in 40 regions across six countries) to the 10th WCM of TWA. On July 22nd the Executive members will make an aggregate and a transparent counting of the votes in presence of the prominent members from other organizations. The central TWA will analyse the voter turnout and construct the needful assessment for the eligible voters from July 6th Mock Election.
The TWA will produce a ground-breaking short documentary film that will portray the status and preparedness of the Tibetan electorate accompanied by a detail report entitled "Mock Election and its Findings". This documentary is expected to break down the results of voter participation, signifying its implications for the upcoming final election of (the Kalon Tripa). The report will also profile all the names of the winning candidates elected from the Mock Election. The reports and the film will be launched on September 10th 2010, on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of TWA's re-founding in exile.
The first WCM took place in Dharamshala in 1985, a year later after the reestablishment of the TWA in exile India. The Guest of Honor emphasized, "Tibetan women have innate leadership qualities in them and therefore should continue to be the architects of a strong and empowering Tibetan society."

Dharamshala: 87 members from 35 regional chapters in India and Nepal on Friday have converged at Manali, India for a 5-day Working Committee Meeting. Chief Guest of Honor Rongchen Tenpey Donmey commenced the TWA 10th Working Committee Meeting held at Ram Park Forest Auditorium, Manali.
The first two days will be met with brief cohort on the various activities spearheaded over the past 16 months from the Working Committee Meeting, Executives from the Central and Regional chapters. Adhere to transparency and accountability principles representatives will disclose their project and financial activities and open the floor to questions from their peers. The meeting attendees will also review and evaluate the progress of resolutions tabled during the 9th General Body Meeting (GBM). The last three days of the WCM will be spent visioning and planning, discuss the agendas that the central TWA have procured and passing new resolutions to be implemented for the next 20 months of their tenure
TWA's president Kirti Dolkar Lhamo stated, "The Executive members of the regional chapters in India and Nepal has exhibited overwhelming commitments towards organizational efficiency and strength." She also lamented saying, "It is unfortunate that our eight chapters in the USA, Europe, Australia and Taiwan could not participate in this meeting, but in an inclusive effort, we will convene an online minutes with them upon our return from Manali."
The WCM will also focus on Tibetan prime ministerial election campaign. The Executive members of regional chapters of TWA have brought the sealed ballots of the mass ("Mock Election" for the Kalon Tripa, held on July 6th in 40 regions across six countries) to the 10th WCM of TWA. On July 22nd the Executive members will make an aggregate and a transparent counting of the votes in presence of the prominent members from other organizations. The central TWA will analyse the voter turnout and construct the needful assessment for the eligible voters from July 6th Mock Election.
The TWA will produce a ground-breaking short documentary film that will portray the status and preparedness of the Tibetan electorate accompanied by a detail report entitled "Mock Election and its Findings". This documentary is expected to break down the results of voter participation, signifying its implications for the upcoming final election of (the Kalon Tripa). The report will also profile all the names of the winning candidates elected from the Mock Election. The reports and the film will be launched on September 10th 2010, on the occasion of the 26th anniversary of TWA's re-founding in exile.
The first WCM took place in Dharamshala in 1985, a year later after the reestablishment of the TWA in exile India. The Guest of Honor emphasized, "Tibetan women have innate leadership qualities in them and therefore should continue to be the architects of a strong and empowering Tibetan society."

Dhasa: The Indian government has refused Gyalwa Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje, to fulfill his plans of a two-week religious tour of the United States later this month, Times of India reported on Saturday. No reasons were cited as to why permission has been denied to 25 year old leader of the Karma Kagyu School, one of the four sects of Buddhism. After His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama he is the most respected leader amongst Tibetans.
"The Karmapa was scheduled to attend prayer sessions being organised by Karma Triyana Dharamchakra centre in Woodstock in New York that began yesterday (Wednesday), but Indian authorities refused to grant him permission to visit there," Gompa Tsering, Karmapa's secretary, has revealed.
Despite the purely religious nature of the tour, the Karmapa office in Gyoto Tantric Monastery, the temporary residence of Dorje, was informed by the Tibetan government-in-exile about Delhi's refusal to permit the foreign visit. The office of the Ministry of External Affairs has refused to comment.
Scheduled trips to Europe in May were also cancelled due to unforeseen refusal of permission from India, who cited that that the tour was too long, according to a Tibetan official.

Dharamshala: In an exclusive interview with Malaysia's national Bernama news agency on Friday, His Holiness said that his "Middle-Way-Approach will sucess to seek genuine autonomy for all Tibetan people, and he also restated that he is not seeking Tibet indepence.
"You know, I have my mantra, we are not seeking independence, and the Chinese have their own mantra, Tibet is part of China," he jibed in his usual cheery mood but instilled optimism of his long-cherished dream of a "middle way" approach.
"I believe middle path will come true. Last 60 years, the same one party system has changed, the obvious big change today is Chinese communist has changed to capitalist communist.
"Thinking is changing, great possibility our middle way approach will come true. But very gradually, very slowly, If I remain alive for the next 10 to 15 years, I can see, if I die tomorrow, I can't see the change" he said.
"Tibetan is not an issue of Dalai Lama institution, it's about the well-being of six million Tibetan people and their rights. "So long as these rights do not materialise, then this movement will remain, whether I am alive or not. Important is Buddhism and Tibetan culture, not the institution of Dalai Lama," he said.
He said a notable success of the Tibetan movement in exile was the preservation of the 13th century Buddhism teachings, Tibet's ancient culture and its language -- which remained as pillar for the survival of the entire Tibetan community outside Tibet.

Dhasa: What's up Beijing's sleeve at the moment? They plan to go big in the Himalayan Mountains. Different sources, including Official Chinese websites talks about, China's plans to build series of dams in the Himalaya. Why is Brahmaputra so important to China? If Brahmaputra is disturbed the landscape, economy, ecology, agriculture and the region will go through major changes down at the river delta. It can even lead to huge catastrophic failure and cause serious earthquakes in the region. And more than 2 billion people in South and Southeast Asia depends on the river that flows from Tibet.
But, China at the moment might not heed to any suggestion from the International River claims. The reason being, the river starts in Tibet plateau near mount Kailash. Unfortunately, Tibetans might also have less power to exercise concerning this project because so far Beijing hasn't consulted Tibet. Most of the Chinese project in Tibet takes place for the Communist Chinese interest.

But, before the work kicks off, the International River Claims must make a decision and inform Beijing, how this project could impact the neighboring countries. A report from UNESCO from earlier report says, annihilation of Himalayan Mountains can cause serious problem to global warming. Which will later destroy the snow covered mountains and turn them to "bare rocky mountains" i.e. destroying the world. But, getting into a pack with India, Pakistan, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal to construct these dams will not be a cake walk for Beijing.

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