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Dharamshala — His Holiness the Dalai Lama left for Id-gah, Ladakh, shortly after the inauguration of Dudjon Nunnery on July 26th. Id-gah is an open-air enclosure reserved for offering Ramzan prayers, where he was the guest of the Sunni and Shia Muslim communities .

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Dharamshala — Tibetans paid their final respects to Tenzin Choeying, the young martyr who self-immolated protesting Chinese occupation of Tibet on July 14th as his remains were cremated yesterday, before which TPI had an exclusive interview with Choeying's father.

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Dharamshala — Tibetans in Dharamshala braved the monsoon rain this morning to pay respect to martyred youth Tenzin Choeying's body, a 19 year old who set himself on fire protesting Chinese occupation of Tibet on July 14th.

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Dharamsala — Staff and students of Sarah College of Higher Tibetan Studies gathered on Saturday, July 22nd, to celebrate the 20th death anniversary of Rinpoche Dungkar Lobsang Thinley, who worked tirelessly throughout his life in different parts of the world to preserve and promote the culture of Tibet.

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Dharamshala — Marking the first anniversary since the destruction of Larung gar Monastery began, the Tibetan government in exile released a two minute video called, Prayers to Chinese Pop: The Story of Larung Gar Nuns, which highlights the continued, and mostly overlooked, expulsion and suffering of the nuns of Larung Gar.

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Varanasi — The President of Central Tibetan Administration, Dr Lobsang Sangay addressed the students and faculty at the Central University for Tibetan Studies, Varanasi (CUTS) on Friday, July 14th. The University is a premier institute for Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, sciences and language that was founded by His Holiness the Dalai Lama and late Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

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Zurich — A group of Tibetan activists and Tibet-supporters have staged a vigil in front of the Chinese consulate in Zurich, Switzerland to mourn the death of Chinese dissident and Nobel Peace Prize winner Liu Xiaobo.

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