Dharamshala, India — “The government of China remains relentless in carrying out immeasurable oppression and torture on the Tibetan people in Tibet. Likewise, it remains continuous in paying no respect at all to the fundamental human rights of the people of East Turkestan (Xinjiang), South Mongolia (Inner Mongolia), and Hong Kong,” said Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile (TPiE), while marking Human Rights Day, on December 10, 2021.

Dharamshala, India — “The conferment of the Nobel Peace Prize on His Holiness the Dalai Lama strengthened the determination and courage of Tibetans inside Tibet, and helped Tibetans in exile find a new approach on the international stage,” said Sikyong, while celebrating the 32nd Anniversary of the Conferment of the Nobel Peace Prize on His Holiness the Dalai Lama on December 10, 2020.

Ladakh, India — Ladakh Sonamling Tibetan Settlement Freedom Support Group organised a motorbike rally from Leh to Khardungla Pass, the highest motorable road in the world, to thank NBA player Enes Kanter Freedom for supporting the Tibetan cause and boycott the 2022 Beijing Olympics.

New Delhi, India — Tibetan Center for Human Rights and Democracy (TCHRD) launched a new website, named "Decoding the Communist Party of China" (CCP), on December 2, 2021, at the Press Club of India in Delhi to "define the real meaning behind the Chinese government's propaganda words and slogans".

Dharamshala, India — Sikyong of the Central Tibetan Administration and Speaker of the 17th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile, on behalf of the Tibetans inside Tibet and around the world, expressed gratitude to the NBA player Enes Kanter for his invaluable support for the cause of Tibet and urged for his continued support.

Dharamshala, India — “The Xi Jinping administration does not tolerate democracy inside China, and through Interpol, it cracked down upon anyone who used democratic freedom against the nation anywhere in the world. For around two years, China used this institution to harass and bring back high-profile political dissidents,” said Gonpo Dhundup, President of Tibetan Youth Congress.

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