People wish me to live long, I determined to live long for benefit of people: the Dalai Lama

His Holiness the Dalai Lama attended a Long Life Prayer offered to him by Tibetan students, staff at Main Tibetan Temple, Dharamshala, India, April 5, 2023. Photo: TPI

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Dharamshala, India – Tibetan staff and students from Tibetan Homes Foundation, CST Mussoorie and CST Panchmari offered a long life prayer to His Holiness the Dalai Lama on Wednesday. During the prayer, His Holiness said, "People in Tibet, China, Mongolia, the Himalayas and other countries wish me to live long, I am determined to live to be over 100 years old to continue doing what I can to help beings."

Tibetan students, staff, and ex-students of Tibetan Homes Foundation and Central School for Tibetans (CST) Mussoorie, as well as ex-students and ex-Vocational Trainees of CST Panchmari, offered a Long Life Prayer to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibet, at the Main Tibetan Temple, Dharamshala, HP, India, on April 5, 2023.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama walked from the main gate to Tsuklakhang, the main Tibetan temple, greeting the people who wanted to see him with great anticipation and could not control their tears of joy when they saw His Holiness approaching them. People welcomed him with Khata, white scarves and flowers, with big smiles on their faces.

After taking seat on the throne, as a mark of auspiciousness, His Holiness the Dalai Lama recited a verse from end of Tsongkhapa’s ‘Great Treatise on the Stages to the Path to Enlightenment’:

Wherever the Buddha's teaching has not spread
And wherever it has spread but has declined
May I, moved by great compassion, clearly elucidate
This treasury of excellent benefit and happiness for all.

Facing His Holiness and presiding over the ceremony were Tatsak Kundeling Rinpoché, Osel Dorjé Rinpoché, Namgyal Tratsang Löbpön Rinpoché and Gyutö Khensur Lawa Rinpoché.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama addresses the congregation for his long life prayer and says, "Today, those of you gathered here are offering me this Long-life Prayer, but those of us in exile are few in number. On the other hand, people in Tibet, China and Mongolia also wish that I live long. In places where the teaching has spread but declined there are people who admire me, while throughout the Himalayan region are many who show me respect."

"I am someone who cultivates bodhichitta and I think it’s that that people admire. In China, I gather there are even party members who think highly of what I stand for. Meanwhile, people across the three provinces of Tibet place their hopes in me. So, if I am able to live long it will be of some benefit," His Holiness the Dalai Lama added.

The spiritual leader of Tibet said, "Those of you in exile and in Tibet as well as concerned people elsewhere, please pray from the depths of your hearts that I may have a long life. I will pray too. Apart from the trouble in my knees, my health is good. I am determined to live to be more than 100 years old to continue to do what I can to help beings."

Prayers were conducted invoking the various aspects of Guru Rinpoché followed by a prayer for the long life of His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the Supreme Victor and Omniscient One by Jamyang Khyentsé Chökyi Lodrö. Next, in conjunction with a mandala offering Tatsak Rinpoché intoned an appreciation of His Holiness’s kindness along with a request that he live long.