100 years of Chinese communism means 100 years of torture, lies and brutality

Tibetan activists protesting on CCP's founding day in New Delhi. Photo: File

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Delhi, India - Tibetan Youth Congress activists protested at the Chinese Embassy in New Delhi on the 100th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party's founding, saying that "100 Years of Chinese Communism means 100 Years of Torture, Lies, and Brutality."

On July 1, 2021, while China is celebrating the so-called 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party, ten Tibetan activists from the Tibetan Youth Congress protested in front of the Chinese Embassy in Shantipath, Chanakyapuri, New Delhi, shouting: "Free Tibet, The Chinese Communist Party should stop imprisoning Tibetans amid its centenary celebrations, unconditionally release all political prisoners, the Chinese Communist Party should end its occupation of Tibet and stop mining rich minerals and exploiting the Tibetan plateau, and boycott Beijing 2022."

“As China marks the 100th founding anniversary of its Communist Party, Tibetan Youth Congress strongly condemns and criticizes the very existence of CCP, Its initial establishment at the cost of countless innocent lives and its notorious history of gross human rights violations are a matter of great pain and shame. The painful memories of annexation and occupation of Tibet and killing of more than a million courageous countrymen continue to stay in us, and we will strengthen our freedom movement to fulfill their aspirations,” read a statement of the Tibetan Youth Congress on the celebration of CCP centenary.

“ Since the illegal invasion of Tibet by the forces of the Communist Chinese Party in 1959, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama along with 80,000 Tibetan fled to exile in India and later spread across the globe. The Chinese Communist force continues to impose severe restrictions and use brutal measures to suppress and imprison any form of dissent inside Tibet. Due to such aggressive policies, Tibetans inside Tibet have resorted to measures like Self-immolation. Since 2009, 157 Tibetans inside Tibet have set themselves on fire to protest against China's illegal occupation. Most of the self-immolators called for the return of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Independence in Tibet,” it added.

“ Tibetan Buddhism under Communist China went through a dark phase from demolishing of more than 6,000 monasteries to disrobing of 99.9% monks and nuns. Today in Tibet, the Chinese authorities are gearing up for increased control over Tibetan Buddhism, where monasteries are forbidden to give traditional monastic education which forms an integral part of Tibetan Buddhism. Monks and nuns are, instead, subjected to regular"patriotic education" and other political campaigns that are fundamentally against the basic tenets of Tibetan Buddhism. Political indoctrination has replaced Buddhist education in monastic institutions where monks are drawn to serve the interest of the Beijing government and are forced to follow CCP's strict guidelines, CCP's authorities are empowered with direct supervision over managing and running the monasteries and nunneries,” it declared.

“ Apart from that, under China's occupation, Tibet's environment has been destroyed, the resources have been illegally mined and transported and the rivers have been polluted. Their occupation has led the Tibetans devoid of their basic rights and the human rights situation inside Tibet continues to deteriorate and worsen each passing year under the Chinese Communist Party's oppressive and repressive hardline policies. Owing to which Tibet has for the past six years only scored 1/100 and ranked as the least free place in the world for the civil rights and political freedoms,” said the statement.

“ Genocide and crimes against humanity are becoming a daily occurrence in Tibet, and CCP continues to aggressively pursue assimilationist policies in Tibet, Xinjiang, and Inner Mongolia. Chinese authorities have tightened surveillances ahead of their centenary celebration and continue to detain Tibetans arbitrarily,” it explained.

“ The very existence of CCP is not only a threat to the survival of Tibetan culture and identity, but it poses a grave security threat to the rest of the world. Therefore, it's high time to scale up the cooperation amongst the Democratic countries and strengthen its position against the atrocities committed by the CCP,” it warned.