Parliament Speaker expresses Gratitude to US President Trump on Tibet decission

Pema Jungney, Speaker of the 16th Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile. Photo: TPiE

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Dharamshala, India — The Tibetan Parliament-in-Exile extended his gratitude to Donald J. Trump, President of United States of America for signing the H.R. 1872 “The Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act” into law. The act supports access to Tibet by U.S. citizens, punishes communist authorities for restricting travel to Tibet.

In a letter, Speaker of the Tibetan Parliament in-Exile Pema Jungney expressed "it a historic moment for Tibetans, especially for Tibetans inside Tibet whose voiceless voices have been heeded and he mentioned that it will send a strong message of hope to those who are still suffering under China’s repressive policies."

The Speaker also wrote “The United States has been among the pioneer countries in helping Tibetans to protect its unique culture and identity by welcoming His Holiness the Dalai Lama from 1979 followed by the adoption of The US Tibetan Resettlement Project in the 1990s, The Tibet Policy Act of 2002, the recent Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act”.

Reiterating the gratitude felt by the Tibetan people towards the United States of America for their support to the Tibetan issues, the Tibetan Parliament in-Exile thanked the President of United States of America for the support in taking strong measure against the Chinese government.

Speaker also lauded Representative James McGovern, Representative Randy Hultgren, Senator Marco Rubio and Senator Tammy Baldwin in getting the bill passed and further mentioned, ” Introducing and approval of this Act connotes that Tibet’s issue is a critical concern in the US Houses.   It pressurizes China in their false propaganda relating to Tibet’s issue to the world".

China who has been tagged as the world’s most flagrant human rights abuser has taken every measure to oust Tibet from the rest of the world by restricting foreigners, particularly the journalists from reporting on its inhuman acts, illegal killings, brutal repression, persecution and false imprisonment to the world. It is a historic moment for Tibetans, especially for Tibetans inside Tibet whose voiceless voices have been heeded and above that, it sends a strong message of hope to those who are still in immense suffering.”

Moreover Speaker Jungney stated “Over the years, the United States has been among the pioneer countries in helping Tibetans to protect it’s unique culture and identity by welcoming His Holiness the Dalai Lama from 1979 followed by adoption of The US Tibetan Resettlement Project in the 1990s, The Tibet Policy Act of 2002, the recent Reciprocal Access to Tibet Act.”

The Tibetan Parliament in-Exile concluded the letter by appreciating the US Congress in taking such a strong challenge against China, one of the most economic power in the world but a country who disregard moral values.