14th All India Tibetan Student Body Association to meet in Bylakuppe

AITSAM organising committee Chairman President Lharong, Vice President Rinchen Wangyal, Audit Rangdrol holding a press conference at the Hotel Tibet in Dharamshala, India, on July 18, 2018. Photo: TPI/Tenzin Choewang

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Dharamshala, India — With a motive to give Tibetan student a better platform to exchange views and promote cooperation. All India Tibetan Student Association convened a meeting here at Dharamshala on July 18, 2018.

Lharong, President of the association said this year All India Student Association meet will take place at southern Tibetan settlement, Bylakuppe, Karnataka India. The date has not been secured, as association faces financial problems to host the event. But he was confident that the event will take place most likely in September or October.

During the press conference on Wednesday, the organising committee said they are calling for support of supporters from around the world.

This is the 14th Rangzen Rolling meet, as it is informally known. The meet compromises of cultural, sports and educational competition.This year there will be short video competition, paper presentation, debate, cultural performance and basketball competition.

According to the Vice president Rinchen Wangyal, there are 11 Tibetan college student body associated with the association till date.Tibetan Student Association Madras (TSAM) have been bearing most of the expense of the meeting till now, but the with association celebrating 25 years of formation. All India Student Association have been left to fend for themselves this year.