Our language, culture and religion have united all of us as people of Tibet: His Holiness

His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaking at the ceremony of honouring retired officials of the CTA at his residence, May 2, 2018. Photo/Tenzin Choejor/OHHDL

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Dharamshala, India — “Even in the past although politically Tibet was divided into many territories, our language, culture and religion have united all of us as people of Tibet," the spiritual leader of Tibet, His Holiness the Dalai Lama said, while honouring retired Tibetan officials in recognition of their tireless service to the just cause of Tibet.

His Holiness the Dalai Lama honoured 33 retired CTA officials in recognition of their tireless service and dedication to Tibetan cause and people. His Holiness presented Songtsen Gampo statue and certificate to the former civil servants.

The ceremony organised by Public Service Commission of Central Tibetan Administration was held at the residence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama. Along with the honoured officers, a group of 30 former recipients of Songtsen Gampo award also received the audience, at the audience hall, official residence of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in Dharamshala, India on May 2, 2018.

Addressing the special audience with the retired Tibetan officials, His Holiness spoke about the valour and spirit of the Tibetan civil servants for coming to serve during the most difficult struggle. His Holiness praised the services of the retiree that by doing so, they had earned limitless merit.

“In a time when our country and people were facing what was the darkest period in history, you had come to serve the greater cause. This is the most meaningful service to the Tibetan people and Buddha dharma. In that regard, all of you have lived a very meaningful life,” His Holiness told them.

“Indeed our people have endured great suffering, but we have been successful in carrying down the vast tradition of Tibet and legacy of the great Tibetan emperors and scholars. We should truly be proud.”

“Today, it is we Tibetans who have preserved the complete and the pure Nalanda tradition. I feel that this tradition is of immense value to humanity. It can benefit not only the people of Tibet, but also a large number of Chinese Buddhists who are renewing their interest in Tibetan Buddhism. So our people have done well to preserve this tradition through many generations”.

His Holiness further remarked that the Tibetan culture and religion will continue to flourish and serve people. “Even in the past although politically Tibet was divided into many territories, our language, culture and religion have united all of us as people of Tibet. In that view, Tibetan language and culture have played a crucial role in upholding the unity of Tibet and it continues to be so”.

The Nobel Peace Laureate told them to feel proud and confident for what they had given for the cause and not be worn down by old age. “Your generation has done much work in service of Tibetan people and dharma. As in Buddhist practice of recognising one’s good deeds, instead of praying for achieving great realisations, simply pray to be reborn as a Tibetan, as a follower of Buddha dharma and continue to serve sentient beings”.

“I am over 82 years old and about to enter 83 and I live with no regrets. On one hand, it was very unfortunate for us to be in exile but on another hand, this has brought us great opportunities for Tibetan people, culture and religion”.