Tibetan government releases resolution of solidarity

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Dharamshala — At the close of their second session of 2016, the Tibetan Parliament in Exile has released an official resolution expressing solidarity with Tibetans remaining inside Tibet facing the ever-prevalent oppression of the Chinese authority.

Revisiting the history of the Chinese Communist Party’s invasion of Tibet in 1949, to the Cultural Revolution through today, the Parliament recognized those who have lost their lives, saying:

“Under these different campaigns, hundreds of thousands of Tibetans have been killed, thousands of places of worship which were abodes of religiously devoted monks and nuns were destroyed; many Tibetan people were forced to flee their homeland and to live in exile in other lands; and Tibetans left behind in their homeland were forced to suffer hell on earth, being subjected to constant hardship and persecution of unimaginable severity.

“Responding to the series of continued campaign actions of various kinds undertaken by the Tibetan people in Tibet, the Central Tibetan Administration in exile as well as the Tibetan associations, individuals and others in exile have also continued to carry out solidarity movement actions. In this milieu, the Tibetan Parliament in Exile too has, during successive sessions, adopted official resolutions of mourning and remembrance as well as official resolutions expressing solidarity with the Tibetan people in Tibet and on that basis kept launching appeal actions at various forums across the world.”

Citing the current adversities faced by the Tibetan people, the Parliament in Exile included the current exploitation of natural resources, the seizing of traditionally nomadic land, and the continued destruction of religious property.

“In admiration and praise of the Tibetan people in Tibet for their patriotism and courage in the face of the relentless pressure, harassment, and repression of the government of China, and in particular, in memory of the heroic Tibetan men and women who have sacrificed their lives for the sake of the fundamental cause of the Tibetan people, and likewise, remembering the ever greater amount of severity of the situation of the Tibetan people who currently continue to suffer in Chinese prisons, this Second Session of the 16th Tibetan Parliament in Exile sees it as vital to adopt an official resolution of expressing solidarity with these Tibetan people.”

The Parliament included eight points as part of their resolution, acknowledging the strength of the Tibetan people throughout the repression, condemning the Chinese government, demanding the release of all political prisoners, and asking that the United Nations to take action in Tibet on the basis of upholding the standards of human rights. Finally, they thanked the international community and nonprofits who have contributed assistance and solidarity for the Tibetan cause.

The 2016 second session of the Tibetan Parliament in Exile concluded today, September 29th.