New Comm. to tackle causes of declining health, moral values: Sikyong

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Tibet-Sikyong-Press-2016Dharamshala — The political leader of Tibetan people, Sikyong Dr Lobsang Sangay on Monday announced formation of two new committees, to enhance preventive health care, tackle the causes of declining moral values among Tibetans and for uplifting poorer sections of the Tibetan society.

Dr Sangay, the democratically elected political leader of the Tibetan pople held a press conference in Dharamshala, on April 25, 2016. During the press conference, he said that the Kashag held numerous internal meetings as well as joint meetings with the Tibetan Parliament, after advisories issued by the oracles of Tibet.

He told reporters that the Kashag is announcing the formation of two assessment committees and compilation of a draft guideline to amend election laws as part of the Kashag's initiative.

These announcements come on the heel of Sikyong's earlier pledges to launch a vigorous health and welfare campaign following His Holiness the Dalai Lama's public expression of concern at the declining health condition and morality of the Tibetan people.

"We have formed two committees to address the issues of concern as noted by His Holiness the Dalai Lama during the centenary celebrations of Mentseekhang on 23 March," Sikyong said.

"The first committee that we have formed is the preventive healthcare committee," Sikyong announced. "Mr Ngawang Phelgyal Gyechen, former Chief Justice Commissioner, will head the committee along with former Secretary Mr Tsering Dorjee. Both of them have extensive work experience in Tibetan public health through their service in the Department of Health," he said.

"The other committee that we have formed is the welfare committee, which will be headed by former Kalon Ven Tsering Phuntsok and former Secretary Mr Tashi Phuntsok," Sikyong said.

"These two committees will assess the root causes of the declining health situation and the economic condition of the Tibetan people. Following which, they will compile a comprehensive report on how to effectively address these issues with concrete results and allay the economic woes of the Tibetan public," Sikyong explained.

Sikyong further informed about a draft guideline to amend the existing election laws, formulated by the Kashag in consultation with relevant authorities to ameliorate the sense of declining morality in the Tibetan community.

"As per the advisories issued by the oracles regarding the conduct of the Tibetan people in the lead-up to the final election, the Kashag held numerous internal meetings as well as joint meetings with the Tibetan Parliament, and its Speaker and Deputy Speaker," Sikyong explained.

"We also held meetings with the Chairman and the staff of the Election Commission as the issue of declining morality came into particular prominence during the election campaign. During these meetings, we deliberated on the negative campaigns employed during the election and discussed ways to avoid such occurrences in the future. One thing that we agreed upon was that the duration of the campaign was too long and needs to be shortened," Sikyong said.

Sikyong also explained that because the campaign duration was too long, a lot of issues were raised. However, he lamented the fact that most of the campaign duration was spent on clarifying baseless allegations and explaining unfounded criticisms instead of talking about the real issues and speaking about the candidates' visions and policies.

Sikyong further assured the public of his deep commitment to implement the promises that he has made to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan public, and said that the recommendations of the two committees will be implemented in earnest by the Kashag by middle of May this year.